My parents are celebrating their 40th anniversary this December. They’ve always been very frugal and selfless when raising us kids. I rarely saw them do things such as go on a fancy date or celebrate their anniversary. Now with all us kids out of the house and settled in our own families they seem to be trying to have more fun.

They told me they want to do something different for their 40th. They aren’t sure what, but basically hinted they want help planning it. We are a small family, and my parents still kind of keep to themselves so they aren’t interested in a big party. If we do something, it’s probably going to be like 13 people – that’s counting everyone down to the grandkids.

Any ideas? The default idea would probably be getting a table or party room at a nice restaurant. But I’m just curious if anyone else has a different idea? Like a weekend trip or something?

  1. My wife and I spent over 2 weeks in Italy for our 30th and it as a blast. We’re approaching our 40th and want to top it. I’m thinking Asia but my wife thinks somewhere else in Europe. Trips are fun.

    One thing we kids did for my parents for their 50th anniversary is we threw a big cocktail party reception for them, inviting all of their friends. I think we had about 250 or 300 guests with so many people from everywhere. Many flew in. It was in a big ballroom and we had a wedding picture of them with a large border that everyone signed, and I made a pretty good video of their life together, having scanned old slides and such. I think our liquor tab was about $4,000.

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