I was just reading this post [men\_have\_you\_ever\_been\_denied\_access\_to\_your\_finances](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskMen/comments/viqrsu/men_have_you_ever_been_denied_access_to_your/) and it occurred to me how much good some timely advice and support could have done for this person who was struggling to feed his children.

Maintaining a wiki of resources available to people is would be a good & free start. My first thought though was to set up an amazon referral account and smile.amazon charity so this community could make some funds available to vetted dudes in need without having to donate anything but time and some few fucks.

I’d love to hear from anyone with ideas of how to help, how to organize, or how to vet who gets said assistance.

# You can help already by upvoting & commenting so this post might reach someone who gives a fuck.
For every upvote this receives I will eat a calorie of ice cream

I’m thinking we should call it M4M for this men for men thing I’ve been hearing so much about…

  1. Obviously M4M is a joke. As is

    **M**en **M**aintaining **M**oneyless **M**en (4M, or MMMM)


    **M**aintaining **M**eritorious **M**en **Good** (MMM Good)

  2. Suck a bro off from time to time

    It’s not gay if it’s for the community

  3. The model you’re probably best off looking at is a mutual aid program. You set up an information exchange where people can name thing they need help with, and other people can respond to those requests. You go out of your way not to make it an economy. There are no credits or tracking. You act in good faith, and encourage people to ask for the help they need, and offer the help that feels good to them to offer.

    Edit- you vette people at the entry point to the program. Example: three people look through someone’s post history and invitation requires 3/3 yes votes.

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