To get matches is actually the easy part… Then to proceed to meaningful conversations that will lead to dates with actual connection, is what i now define as extremely unlikely to happen. I think if you are a guy you are literally wasting your time with OLD, unless you are Johnny Depp in his prime, which if you were you shouldn’t be doing the OLD routine anyway…

  1. Welcome to dating. Where you actually have to put effort into relationships, which includes, but is not limited to, meaningful conversations.

  2. I actually don’t get a ton of matches, but I’m pretty good at converting them into dates.

  3. OLD is hard for most guys. If you want to be successful you’ve gotta figure out how to stand out from the crowd.

    It’s been years since I’ve been single, but I’ve had a few good experiences on OLD, including meeting my fiancee. OLD should augment your dating strategy, it shouldn’t be your whole strategy.

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