Are redditors widespread among american society? is your friend/family also a redditor? How do people view reddit in america?

  1. Reddit is the red-headed stepchild of social media, you’re not going to see people sharing their Reddit usernames like it’s Instagram or something. The vast majority of people just browse it, I think it’s a pretty small number of weirdos like me that actively comment.

  2. It’s absolutely less popular than pretty much anything else. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tiktok, and basically any other social network is more widespread.

  3. It’s one of the most visited sites in America. So statistically speaking, a chunk of people I interact with daily use the site.

    However, nobody is going to admit they use Reddit in public. None of my friends have mentioned having an account. I’ve heard more people admit to using Pornhub than reddit.

  4. 47% of users are American and the big Reddit rule is it’s anonymous for a reason. I don’t tell anyone I am a Redditor and you shouldn’t either.

  5. It’s pretty popular, but much less so than Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Plus there are lots of people who rarely use it, or rarely do more than lurk. Are they really redditors?

    It’s also anonymous, so my friends and family could be using it and I wouldn’t know. I’ve seen my daughter watching YouTube videos where a robotic voice reads reddit posts and comments. Apparently that’s a thing.

    But if anyone I know is commenting every day like me, I’m not aware of it. I’m the weird guy who doesn’t use Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.

  6. redditors – people who comment and post regularly – are not as common as other social media users.

    reddit is also easy to “bubble.” a lot of people think of Reddit as mostly guys – and while it’s true that the user base is mostly male, there are MASSIVE subreddits for topics that primarily appeal to women. and in my experience, a lot of users stick to a couple subreddits and don’t venture outward into the more mainstream subreddits.

    one thing that is really common among non redditors tho is using reddit as a resource. either adding “reddit” to the end of a Google search to find real people talking about a topic, or making an account to seek help for an issue, but not returning regularly to the platform.

  7. We don’t talk about reddit. Or at least I don’t lol. Statistically a lot of Americans use reddit, so I assume yes, I probably have friends and family members on reddit. But I don’t know which ones or what their accounts are named.

  8. It comes up very often in Google searches so it gets a lot of traffic, but it’s easily the least popular of the main social media platforms as far as actual “active” users goes.

    As far as how the users are perceived, the few times I’ve heard it come up in conversation, which is like…4 times, Redditors got compared to Twitter users in the “are there *actually* people like this out there in real life?” It’s mostly known for /r/jailbait, Ron Paul and later Bernie Sanders cultists, /r/TheDonald and /r/dogwalkingphilosophers…I mean /r/antiwork.

    Which is a sentiment I share and honestly the main appeal of this site next to this sub. Outside niche subs or ones catering to something like gaming, it’s the online equivalent of a zoo full of crazy people.

  9. You don’t share your reddit username like you would your Instagram username or something. We pretend we don’t use it.

  10. Not very. My wife is on Reddit, somewhere, some of her friends are, but nobody else in my family is, and every time I’ve mentioned it outside those contexts, I have to explain what Reddit *is.*

    (“Like a for-profit Usenet, with a better graphics interface” usually does the trick, but that’s me.)

  11. Oh man as a mod of this sub, I keep it under wraps. Like three people IRL know I mod this dumpster fire. And only like 5 know my username.

    I don’t know why it has such a different culture around it than other social media when it comes to keeping it private.

  12. The only person that knows I have reddit, and doesn’t even know my username is my friend’s little sister because I got a reddit message as I was showing her something on my phone

  13. What do you mean?

    Probably 80% of Americans with internet access have probably visited at some point.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if 20% of Americans visit Reddit regularly and 5% post.

  14. It’s pretty popular, but it isn’t a social media. You don’t give your Reddit name to your friends to follow. It’s just you and a couple million strangers talking about weird shit.

  15. As an American, Reddit is awesome … as long as you don’t look at the comments and realize how much we’re hated by Europeans.

  16. I don’t actually know another person in real life who says they use Reddit

  17. I find it to be pretty common for people to use reddit, and openly say that they use reddit, but I’ve never told anyone my username and I’ve never had anyone else tell me theirs. It’s definitely a matter of anonymity.

    Also, most people just browse and don’t post/comment (like using Youtube basically).

  18. Reddit articles get shared, but most people don’t know if other people go on Reddit.

    My hubs and I haven’t even shared our usernames because we use it for two completely different purposes.

  19. Most of my friends use Reddit. We share links to news and memes, just not usernames. But I’ve known them since middle school (which is really weird esp. in NYC) Socially, absolutely do not say you use Reddit or you’ll be branded 1 of 1000 ways, none good. It’s like that quote, “Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.”

  20. American Redditor – I know some users of Reddit but it is out of respect to not ask for user names. I see it as the churn of the internet. That being mainstream news, social networks, industry specific, specialized interests, and so much more broken down at a sub level. You get a mix of everything but can pick and choose what interests you and what to interact with.

  21. There are millions of us. By and large, we absolutely do not share our usernames with our social circles, however. I had a coworker discover mine, and while it wasn’t a big deal in the end, it made me rethink what I shared at work vs what I share here…they happened to see a photo I shared in both places on a specific subject matter that we were both very interested in at the time (specifically, Japanese cuisine, and bento culture).

  22. While I’m sure that Reddit users are a lot more prevalent among the general populous than most people suppose, as others have said, no one really *talks* about Reddit, unless it is specifically and irrevocably attached to a broader development in the real world (GME short squeeze, spread of hate subs, banning of said controversial subs, etc.)

  23. I know a few people irl who use reddit, but everyone else is twitter, IG and snap. In black circles anyway

  24. Reddit is pretty cringe to like admit to using daily. My husband and I are both on here regularly, and send posts to each other but it’s not like a way of connecting to other people you know irl. It’s certainly not “worshipped”

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