I’m only 23 and I snore really bad. I’m in good shape and not overweight. Are there any remedies or fixes to this?

  1. I kept pushing for a sleep study, but the Capitalist Death Panel wouldn’t cover it until I found a doctor who was willing to say it was for erectile dysfunction. I wasn’t actually having a problem with my little friend, but the bean counters didn’t need to know that. Turns out I have sleep apnea. Now I use a CPAP machine. Hopefully, I’ll lose enough weight by working out and fixing my diet to not need the machine any longer, but that’ll take a couple of years.

  2. If you are truly not overweight then you likey have a jaw issue and will require surgery. Or you are unbelievably jacked with a huge neck.

  3. My wife kicks me then eventually kicks me out to the guest bed. But in reality I need to lose some weight.

  4. Go to your doctor and get a referral for a sleep study if you can. Obligatory not medical advice, but I’ve personally seen and heard stories of lives being changed from a sleep study and figuring out how to get high quality sleep.

  5. go to sleep doctor. it’s possible to have sleep apnea even if skinny. could also be dental related. or maybe some sort of deviated septum nasal thing.

  6. Go to an ear, nose and throat Doctor. If they can’t help (although they usually can) then go to a plastic surgeon it might be something to do with your septum. Have you tried “breathe right” strips?

  7. I had a healthy weight and was your age, but had sleep aponea. Get it sorted out.

  8. A lot of things can cause that. You see a lot of talk about people who are overweight (or being too jacked) getting sleep apnea, but you can also have other things like allergies, deviated septum, certain medications, etc. that can cause it.

  9. There are mouthpieces you can wear that hold your jaw to keep your air passages and soft palate clear. That might be something to explore.

  10. Practice falling asleep with your mouth closed, breathing through your nose.

    worked for me

  11. Yes, absolutely and I regret not doing so like 10 years earlier. Turns out I have severe sleep apnea which prevented me from properly resting in my sleep (as it looks like, fighting for air in your sleep is kinda bad for ya). Now I have to sleep with a CPAP mask, but man, is the difference night and day.

    Have that shit checked out ASAP, trust me.

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