Wedding rings are common, but what about giving rings when dating?

  1. Not really a thing. Jewelry yes, like bracelets, earrings, necklaces… but I think rings are too associated with marriage.

  2. A dating ring?

    Jewelry in general is a popular gift, and a ring may be part of that, but we don’t go “here, take this ring and be my girlfriend”.

  3. Never heard of dating rings, but engagement ring I guess have a similar function. You exchange engagement rings when you are in a serious relationship and may not be planning to marry, even if traditionally engagement means a promise of marriage.

  4. My friends received them and I always found it weird. Not because it’s a ring but because it looks so much like an engagement ring. It makes it seem like you like the person enough to make others think you’re engaged but not enough to make the real commitment

  5. Dating rings are not common and contrary to the US, engagement rings are not common either.

    Some unmarried couples have other types of “couple jewelry” though, because rings feel too formal. For example 3-4 years into our relationship, I bought a necklace for my GF (now wife) and another one for myself. They’re made of pure silver and have the shapes of puzzle pieces that fit together. We still wear them sometimes. I like necklaces quite a lot for this purpose because it’s something you wear close to your heart.

  6. I have no idea how popular it is nowadays, but at least when I was a teenager back in ye olde 1990s in Portugal they were definetly a thing. They were more of a commitment, or promise, ring to signify you were a pretty serious couple, and they were just very plain silver rings usually. Some slightly fancier versions of it were a knot, or two holding hands (kind of like a claddagh). The fanciest I ever saw were one opposing hand in each ring that could be put together.

    When my now-husband and I went through a period of long-distance, we wore a pair that were a simple silver braid. Turns out he had other ideas; the day I offered the rings to him was the day he proposed. He was pretty happy to get the ring, made him a bit more confident that I wasn’t going to say no lol.

  7. Women are given rings only when their partners ask them to marry them, but in this case those are engagement rings. Ain’t nobody gonna give someone a ring just because they’re dating, you have to be a little bit more than just dating.

  8. The only country where I’ve ever heard of this being a thing is Turkey.

    Safe to say it’s NOT a thing in CZ.

  9. Couples rings are more common in Asia ( South Korea for example) not in Europe. Dating culture is also different between Europe and Asia in general

  10. Dating or promise rings are a thing in USA. But more so for teenagers, especially religious ones. They can’t get engaged yet, but promise to do that later. In Europe it’s not a thing. I think people know if they are serious or not without any silly rings.

  11. Not a thing, engagement rings, wedding rings and eternity rings only . I’m not too sure what eternity rings are for though, I think it’s when the wife gives birth?

  12. This is the first time I hear of them.

    I feel like when I give my girl a ring for dating it would be weird; mostly because they are associated with marriage.

  13. Theres a thing called a Claddagh ring which is pretty popular here. It’s a very old fashioned thing to give as a dating present tho and I dont know anyone who has given one. It’s not exclusively a dating thing tho as people also give claddaghs to their children or grandchildren.

    The Claddagh symbol is two hands around a crowned heart, and there is etiquette about which way the heart is supposed to point depending on if you’re single or in a relationship, also which hand it’s on if it was given platonically or romantically etc.

    It’s used in other jewelry now too, you can get necklaces, bracelets, brooches and loads of other stuff with the claddagh heart and those are way more common to give as dating presents than the ring, I think the ring has too much connotation with marriage nowadays.

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