My (26F) boyfriend (33M) got mad at me because I didn’t laugh at the standup show he picked out. I was having a totally fine time and didn’t even think anything of it. I was just watching. Around 3/4 through, he was like “Why aren’t you laughing?” And I was just like “… What?” And he was like “Why aren’t you laughing, what’s wrong with you?” I just looked at him. I didn’t know what to say.

Why would he be upset about this? I would understand offering to change the show if he didn’t think I was enjoying it but it just seemed like an odd thing to be immediately upset about. Like he was genuinely angry with me, he wasn’t smiling or joking at all, he was looking at me like he hated me.

For context, we’ve been together for a year and he’s never acted like that before. I don’t know what to make of it or how to address it.

  1. He’s 33 and doesn’t understand people aren’t all going to act how you expect them to? I also don’t laugh much at tv or movies. Here and there it can happen, but, rarely. Like I probably laugh during 1 out of 10 comedy movies I watch. And the ones I didn’t laugh at, I still liked and enjoyed watching!

    The guy just seems insecure. He is caring way too much about how you are acting while watching a movie or show. This is like not even a response to him. Like he isn’t getting upset about how you are acting to him. He is getting upset that you aren’t acting how he expects to a show he picked out… Very juvenile.

  2. Yeah dude that’s outta pocket. That’s behavior I’d expect from a teenager

  3. …what show was it?

    He was probably self-conscious/embarrassed. I would be self-conscious too if I hyped up a show for a friend/partner and then they found it meh, I would feel a little dumb. But he should be able to shrug it off. If he made a huge deal about it, then that’s a little weird, but it probably just reflects on how he deals with feelings of self-consciousness

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