so i’ve (18F) been talking to this really cute, sweet guy (19M) who asked for a number at a party for about a month now. at said party, we really hit it off and i even felt like we would have kissed if i hadn’t looked away. from our interactions irl (staring at me from afar, asking me to join him to get drinks, offering to go to a concert with me, etc) and online (texting first, complimenting me, commenting cute things on my ig posts) i was pretty convinced he was interested in me too. he’s been sending pictures of himself and i’ve been complimenting him on them but he’s just ignored it all, making me think i might have done something wrong or made him uncomfortable in some way. now i feel kinda weird reaching out to him out of fear that he might now think i’m creepy and that i got too ahead of myself. this is my first time genuinely being interested in a guy (my previous love interests have been girls) so i’m still learning how men work i guess. any advice on how to move forward from this would be appreciated!

tl;dr: the guy im interested in never accepts my compliments and now i’m convinced things were too good to be true

  1. is he still interacting with you and just ignoring your compliments or has he stopped all communication period?

  2. You’ve really got nothing to lose by telling him how you feel. I’ll admit that I’m not really hip to IG etiquette, so I don’t know how to interpret any of that.

    Does he live near you? Ask him to get coffee or take a walk – something casual. Get to know each other a little better. And it doesn’t hurt to be direct with people. Ask him about the IG compliments and why he doesn’t respond. Don’t assume the worst or project worries onto people, just communicate with each other.

    Good luck!

  3. i don’t know what you expect him to do? how does he “accept” your compliments? with a thanks?

    returning the compliment? you told us he does compliment you so why doesn’t it count then? just cuz he do not say it inmediately?

    he probably accepts your compliment and move on to keep the conversation going. it could be a lot of things, you are weirdly focusing in one small thing.

    just keep moving things forward.

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