I (29f) want to go to a metal show tonight. I have invited a few friends who are all unavailable for various reasons. I am not the most social person around, and it can be hard to make new friends, so I am anxious when thinking about going alone.

I have thought about downloading tinder or something to get a date to go, but that also feels really weird. Kinda stuck on what to do, or how to act. It could be nice to make friends there, though. I just don’t know how.

TLDR; no one can hit a metal show with me, what do I do ?

Update: I went and it was great. Thanks for the encouragement🥲🥲🥲

  1. I’ve gone to shows alone and it’s not terrible when bands are playing. In between sets it kind of blows. You’ll be fine to go alone.

  2. Just go alone. Concerts by yourself are great. You can get there when you want, stand where you want, and leave when you want. It’s not like you’re having engaging conversations with friends there anyway because it’s too loud.

  3. A show is a great place to go by yourself, because it’s not as if you are expected to talk to people- it’s too loud to have a conversation and everyone is focused on the music rather than who is there alone or not. I would get a drink and post up somewhere and enjoy the show. If you want to talk to people standing next to you during breaks go for it.

  4. Just go alone. I’ve gone to many shows – including metal shows – on my own. You might make a friend while there.

  5. Go alone, people at metal shows are (in my years of experience) incredibly nice and will include you. Have fun!

  6. I agree with others that shows are good to go alone to because they don’t require interaction with the people you came with.

    If you *really* don’t want to go alone, consider checking their fan groups (maybe a Facebook fan group for the band, etc) and see if others there are going so their group can “adopt” you for the night since your friends can’t make it.

    I’ve seen folks do that in Facebook groups for bands that I’m into, and everyone is happy to make new friends that already have something in common with you (the band!). If you go that route, be safe about it. Don’t meet them at their house. Meet somewhere public, like right outside the venue.

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