Those who dated girls that believed astrology how did it turn out?

  1. I would sooner be fucking chained down to a fucking rock and have my heart ripped out by hand than date a fucking degenerate who believes in astrology.

    I won’t do that. Ever.

  2. Ya but they weren’t over the top with it. They’d just tell me about stuff and I’d play along because if it makes them happy I’m fine with it.

  3. Went on a few dates and had a good time before she asked about the possibility of becoming exclusive. I’m not into that so it didn’t work out.

  4. She wanted to have sex on Jupiter but the airline refused to sell me a ticket. Fuck you, Delta.

  5. Astrology people in the US seem to be very serious about it. In my country astrology is usually just a passing interest, something fun to talk about in a bar. Girls that believe in astrology are just like the ones that don’t, they’re not intense about it at all, so that’s never an issue.

  6. I now have a Scorpio tattoo on my left wrist. But the sex was great. She was an Aries.

  7. I’m not super keen on dating anyone who holds strongly to any spiritual or religious beliefs, mainly because I don’t and that kind of values dissonance isn’t good for a long term relationship.

  8. not me but my friend found he said at least 40 pages filled with the words “ jackson will be mine i know it” when they were in the talking stage .lets just say he got out of that

  9. Not well. I wouldn’t want to date another woman obsessed with astrology anymore than I would want to date a woman obsessed with Scientology.

  10. She let me know right away that she was into it, kinda subtly. I looked up what she mentioned and brought it up sometime a couple days later and she loved that I had paid attention. I allowed myself to get caught up with her in it because everything felt so amazing falling in love with her so why shouldn’t the stars align in certain ways.

    She didn’t base any decisions off of it so it was fine.

  11. From my experience, there’s a lot of them out there that believe at least a little in Astrology and psychics etc. Very few would believe in it enough to be a nuisance or adversely affect a relationship.

  12. She was quite into it, I humored her, to do my horoscope, but really, completely dismissed it of course. It was not an issue as long as things lasted.

    Incidentally, in later years (long after we split), she went from working in computer science (with a doctorate) to being a spiritual life coach (and dance instructor). So yeah, she was really serious about it, if willing to take that financial hit.

  13. Came in here to see some stories about batshit crazy women. Found lots of star-related dad jokes.

    Worth it.

  14. LOL, she had a story of ironically kinda buying into it. I didn’t believe it but I entertained her belief and gave her my birth info.

    She wasn’t basing relationship compatibility off of it so had I not been the right sign, I think it would’ve been ok either way, but she did my natal chart and then never spoke about astrology to me again for several years.

    Turns out we were compatible in several ways and it freaked her out.

    Anyway, now we are married 😂

  15. Everything was great until Mercury was in retrograde.

    If they’re outsourcing their agency to the movement of the spheres, run.

  16. She was stupid into it and knew I thought it was “hippy bullshit”. We still had a great time, great psychedelics and sex. Listen the average person believes all manner of stupid shit just as goofy and we dont bat an eye.

  17. I briefly dated a guy who was into that. Once I learned I definitely looked at him differently because he would base some decisions off it, financial and career as well. Weird because he wasn’t religious or superstitious in other ways. He was a nice guy just not my cup of tea.

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