What’s that one thing women unintentionally do that is offensive/rude for men?

  1. “You’re such a great guy; you’ll make a woman very happy someday!”

    I’d rather be shot in the foot than hear that again.

  2. Not just women but men also.

    I think when you are in some kind of meeting or group event and the person just casually ignores you. No acknowledgement of you presence, no eye contact, like you don’t even exist.

    This is not a problem in public places. But like if you are in a small group of like 5-6 people, I think it’s basic courtesy to at least acknowledge everyone in the room.

    But people who just casually ignore you or didn’t acknowledge your existence… it’s very weird. The feeling of being there but not being there is not necessarily a pleasant experience

  3. I think the way some women go about pushing men to break masculine norms can get rude. Like, supporting a guy wearing pink, trying makeup, not buying stupid “manly” soaps that ruin your skin, and generally breaking toxic, useless norms is fine overall. But breaking these norms can bring ridicule and looks, it can be embarrassing to do, it’s not as simple as “oh yeah I’ll just wear pink” if you think people might think differently or even pick on you for it.

    I’ve had girls call me a pussy for not trying concealer, or ridicule me for not wanting to buy pink clothes HS. It ends up being just as toxic as the guys that would bully you for not being “manly” enough. Both are forcing a dumb, needless expectation.

  4. I’m not “gay” for doing things YOU consider “feminine”, you’re basically reducing my culture to stereotypes about another group where said stereotypes don’t even apply most of the time, fuck off wanker.

    I hate how certain women treat me so condescending for things such as cooking, baking, having long hair, being a competent human when it comes to taking care of children, hygiene, etcetera. NO, I’m not feminine, not every good trait has to BE feminine or associated only with women, especially when it was common in my country, pre-colonial era, some of you need to fuck off and stop being ethnocentric.

    This is one thing some women do sometimes that really irritates me sometimes.

  5. Apparently a lot of women think raping men is no big deal so I guess rape us and expect us to be happy about it.

  6. The fact that all men are told they are to blame for “the patriarchy’s” societal issues it created but its really just an insanely small amount of men who have held the power to create those issues.

  7. Assume you are there to do all the heavy work.

    Touching without permission.

  8. The same sort of stuff that they talk so much about hating us doing. Broad generalizations and gatekeeping to name a few. Not to mention dismissing us when we open up, and acting like only their problems matter. There’s just so much that they don’t seem to think matters because they are women, and that makes all of it okay.

  9. Attempt to speak from an unearned position of moral superiority because “all men”, or the “Patriarchy”, etc.

  10. Anything that implies that I’m not as good a parent as my wife is.

    And the looks I get as if they think I might be a predator even though I’m just pushing my daughter on the swings. Fuck off glaring at me, I’m just trying to have a fun time with my beautiful daughter <3

  11. A lot of times when talking with female friends you’ll hear them shit talking other guys about traits you have and it’s so rude. Like obviously those apply to me too… I’m short and have a receded hairline so when I hear them incessantly shit on other guys for being short or balding, it’s like I’m right here guys, you’re indirectly saying all those awful things about me too… And so many of them do it, it’s so frustrating.

  12. Gossip. If i tell you something in confidence, keep it that way. If we do something, its between us. Absolutely no respect or interest in women who do other wise

  13. Throwing the ‘Men are trash’ statement incessantly. Too normalized. Also expects men to not react on that.

  14. Labelling any behaviour that doesnt go their way as ‘toxic masculinity’
    No penis, no comments on masculinity

  15. They automatically assume I am attracted to them just because they are a woman and they can’t handle taking a “L” when I reject them.

  16. one behavior that women have but i personally hate it and is also rude, but also is kind of unintentional to some extent, is the way girls always talk behind everyone’s back or report about what’s going on, to other people, specially other girls, like idk if this is regional dependent or not, but at least in my country, girls chat-app, chats, are literally filled with screenshots of their chats with other people, its not only screenshots, they talk about everything related to other people all the time, it is common to a point that is known as a completely normal behavior (hence i called it kind of unintentional).

  17. How much they change their mind on things and then use that as an excuse to bail on you but also promise they might change their minds again and then get offended when you move on.

  18. Talk over me, change the subject, etc. My wife does this all the time. I go completely silent every time she does it and she gets upset at me. She feels like she’s the one who’s wronged when I do this. I’m being passive-aggressive or whatever. I’m simply avoiding conflict and making sure I don’t talk over her. Whatever she has to say is always more important than anything I have to say.

  19. Take fucking forever to get ready to go! Me “Im going to Lowe’s, you need anything?” Her, “Hang on, I’ll go with you”. Thirty minutes later, we finally pull out of the driveway.

  20. Coming in the room and starting to talk at me when it’s obvious that I’m either watching/listening to something or concentrating on doing something.

    Leaving hair all over the place, especially the shower.

  21. As a gay man, a lot of women become creepily obsessed with me when they know I’m gay, especially if I have a crush on a guy or have a boyfriend. Some of my friends in High School (I found it difficult to befriend guys so all my friends were girls) once wrote and posted fanfiction online about me and another guy in my class who’d only just come out. I’d rather you unfriended me and called me a fag than be creepily obsessed with me.

  22. Judge sex. They’re quick to compare dudes sex and penis size, but the minute you compare sex and vagina size it’s a problem

  23. “all men…” sweeping judgement

    “You wouldn’t understand you’re a man” condescending and thinks we are incapable of compassion and empathy and dismissive that men must have it easy

    Saying “yeah but it’s common” when a dad doesn’t see his kids before work and may only see them for an hour when he gets home, as if men don’t want to see their kids and kids don’t need their father around

  24. Belittling male objectification.

    “Women had to deal with it for years” or something like that.

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