I went down a kids slide in my shorts the other day, the material didn’t agree with the slide and my shorts stuck to it as I was going down and crushed my balls, was hell.

  1. Getting kicked by a guy from my school. It hurt like hell, but what makes me angry the most is that he wasn’t punished in any way for beating up 3 students.

  2. Bought super bouncy ball for my (rip) dog. He figured out if he didn’t catch it before it hit the wall at the back of my garden it would shoot off in random directions and he’d have a blast chasing it.

    My girlfriend threw it for him one day not realising how bouncy it was, it pinged off everything in the garden and cracked me right in the nuts. This is why I don’t go outside.

  3. Does getting a vasectomy count? Probably not…Okay, just after High School I was playing baseball with some friends and I got a line drive right to the nuts. I think if it had been any harder I wouldn’t have needed the vasectomy.

  4. I was taking a shower once and the bottle of body wash slipped out of my hand and hit me square on my left ball. I was literally laying in the shower for a few minutes after that.

  5. Not my story but my father climbed a tree as a kid and couldn’t get down. He eventually embraced the trunk and tried to slide down, unaware that there was a rusty nail in the tree trunk.


    He had 3 kids so it didn’t compromise fertility but grandma used to say that my dad had to get stitches and spent that summer sitting on the couch with his legs spread open.

  6. Wasn’t paying attention in PE decades ago, and received a basketball to the nuts because of it.

    Far less painful was when I first met a friend’s dog; the door was barely open and she smashed her snout straight into my nuts twice in about as many seconds.

  7. My son had just started lacrosse. I got a second stick and would practice throwing and catching with him in the evenings after work. I caught one in the nads. Dropped instantly. “Go get mom “ was all I could utter. Luckily he was young and couldn’t throw very hard. No lasting damage – we had an unplanned pregnancy a few years later that didn’t progress very far (which sucked because we would have welcomed a third kid gladly into our brood).

    TL;DR wear a cup if you are throwing a projectile with your kids. Their aim sucks

  8. i was in toronto and i was riding my friends bike i tried to do a wheelie and i did it wrong and landed hard and crushed my balls

  9. The 6 months after my vasectomy they were really sensitive, during that time my Kids would not fail to knee them while climbing on my lap for a hug.

  10. Was playing pool at a bar. Not trying to be in my opponent’s way – I ***always*** stand directly towards the direction they are shooting……. ***bad*** idea.

    Guy hits the cueball hard to make an across-the-table shot. Cue Ball strikes another ball, and that ball caught enough air to clear the cushion and hit me square in the balls.

    I dropped like a sack of 💩.

  11. Dog was excited to see me, ran full speed at me and jumped. Ended up kicking me in the balls.

  12. Urologist cut out my left nut…..yeah that one hurt after the fact. Twig and Berry was all black and blue. Damn cancer.

  13. Hi speed Labrador to nuts on his way to sit in my lap.

    For you young guys, nut shit increase in pain level as you age

  14. I went commando and mowed my lawn on a riding mower for 3 hours the day after I got a vasectomy.

    Can you say….grapefruits?

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