It’s becoming more common here (UK) and doctors have started to prescribe it after blood tests. People are becoming more aware of the general deficiency of vitamin D in the population. I know several people who feel like it has made a difference to their health.

I’ve heard that taking vitamin D supplements is routine in some northern European countries. I’m interested in seeing if this is catching on and at what latitude it stops.

  1. Yes, very common and first advice you’re given when moving in. (Most common ones have a despicable mint flavour.)

  2. Unless you eat food regular that are enriched with vitamin A and D you have to take it. All children in Sweden get extra A and D vitamins it have been mandatory since 1978.


    Edit, most people dont take separate vitamins since we have food that have extra vitamin D in it.

  3. I don’t and it never even occurred to me before reading this and similar posts on here where people talked about it. I don’t think it’s common here. But I guess I should consider taking them since I tend to be more apathetic and depressed (in the colloquial sense of the word) in winter time.

  4. I took vitamin D supplements for the 1st time last year, because Vitamin D deficiency is associated to severe forms of Sars COV-2.

  5. I don’t, but I really should because I know I’m lacking it. I think it’s relatively common

  6. I do, all year round, after a blood test my doctor prescribe it “all you life” he said.

  7. No I live in Scotland and don’t know anybody that is prescribed vitamins – if somebody wants or needs it, they buy it

  8. I don’t think many people do in Denmark. But it is changing a little.

    In general people follow the guide lines from health authorities here. And actually last year they started recommending people to take a small daily dose in winter (5-10 ug) – more if you have a ‘darker skin’ or are above 70. The latter groups have always been encouraged to take it but it is new the general public is advised to.

    I started taking it last year. I had my d vitamin level measured some years back in the midst of the dark winter. It was normal. Should be noted that a lot of Danes eat fish that are full of d vitamins.

  9. I am Italian living in Switzerland and I started supplementing regularly since covid started. Not going out of the house made me aware of the problem.

  10. We take vit. D3 drops as usual, every year, but since covid started I read that it can helps to not get a bad form. Could be a coincidence but we did not get infected and my kids even being in contact with infected child in schools as desk mate. Still wondering if there is some truth.

  11. I’ve started to this year. Due to working from home, I don’t get outside as much as I should.

  12. I take Omega 3/vitamin D caplets year round, and I add regular fish liver oil caplets in the winter.

  13. I know some always do.

    And TL;DR : you shouldn’t unless you have an actual deficit and are checked by a doctor.

  14. Yes I do, although we have sunshine almost everyday (Greece). This doesn’t mean that each person is exposed to the sun, during the right hours.

  15. I’ve lived in Sweden my whole life so I’ve been taking vitamin D for as long as I can remember. My parents gave it to me as a kid. Now I start to take it as soon as summer is over and the sun starts to set very low in the sky.

    I also take B12 because it helps a bit with low energy and depression. Cromium is good for keeping sugar urges down.

  16. I never have, the joys of having a job where I spend a lot of time outside (and being so pale I have to tan to look white probably doesn’t hurt!), but I’ve been thinking about it this year as my job has changed recently to largely consist of workshop work.

  17. I live in Finland and here we give it to kids every day, except in the summer (which is short, boohoo). I myself take a multivitamin and sometimes extra vitamin d.

  18. The milk is enriched with vitamin D. Since I drink enough milk, no need for extra supplements.

    In Sweden there are laws enforcing that some products have to be enriched with vitamin D. Milk, yoghurt and some other dairy products included.

  19. I do, every day for a few years now. I think my mother recommended it to me, going by her ob-gyn’s advice. Whenever I feel down/depressed I always check first if I didnt forget to take a dose lol

  20. No, I haven’t so far, but I probably should. Last winter we had a month of no sunshine and I was certain I was gonna die of my bladder infection. When the sun finally came out again I thought how silly that was, but I was still having panic attacks at night or rainy days for a while.

  21. I had to take once. Funny cause I was trying to avoid the sun all summer to not tan too much 😂.Never again

  22. Yes, I also did blood work some years ago and found that lucky me, even though I live in Portugal my body just doesn’t produce that much vitamin d.
    My doctor prescribed me this supplement that comes in these tiny vials of oil with vitamin, you drink one every month.

  23. No I live in the south of Spain, luckily I don’t need it! I don’t think it’s a common thing in this part of the country’s at least.

  24. Yes we do, but please remember to take it along with vit K2 and take it after eating something with fat in it as it’s a fat soluble vitamin.

  25. I do as I’ve got deficiency previously on tests and we barely have hours of daylight now, and at least not seeing any sun at all as it’s all cloudy. I’m already deprived of daylight/sunlight and been since October/November.

  26. I don’t, and the first time I heard about them was from Reddit. So I’m not sure what to believe.

  27. I take a multivitamin and a Omega 3 every day (when I don’t forget) as a kid I got vitamin D extra in winter because I needed it to stay fit.

  28. No, it’s sunny here like 340 days a year. I did take it during COVID though (quarantine makes you stay at home more than usual).

  29. i grew up religiously taking it, stopped after moving out and surprise surprise a year later the doctors are telling me that my vitamin D levels are low

  30. Yes. Multivitamin with lots of vitamin D and fish oil.

    Should improve the number of little swimmers

  31. Yes very much so. I’m olive skin in Scandinavia.
    I notice a huge difference.

    I also eat a lot of fish and take omega-3. Big difference there too.

  32. Yes because my GP is one of those that actually tests for that. Turns out that 80% of Czechs are vit. D deficient.

  33. I started taking them this year because I haven’t been going out much also even in normal years prior to COVID I used to always get seasonal depression.

  34. I’m brown and live in Britain, so it’s year round 😂 but genuinely I was shocked to find out we have less than 50 hours of sunlight on average in the entire month of December. No wonder *everyone* here is deficient!

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