For pre-text I lost my license a year ago but me being a lazy cow I did not get a replacement until recently. The picture on my license looks very odd, it’s me with very enhanced features such as thick eyebrows, a goatee? (I’ve never had facial hair, but this might be shadows at the bottom), smaller forehead. It looks like me but looks very very odd, could this be a printing issue?

Over the year say if someone did get access to my license could they have changed my picture? what else could have possibly happened to me that I should be aware of.

As of right now, I am getting a brand new photo for my license.

  1. Back in the 90’s an ex’s new boyfriend applied for a replacement licence as me as a change of address and lost licence, as he knew address and date of birth. He then attempted to use it as ID to get a payday loan as me. Didn’t work and he got arrested when the clerk got suspicious, but it turned out that he’d clocked up 9 points on my licence in the time he’d had it. Took ages to get it all sorted out with the courts.

  2. Firstly the British spelling is licence.

    Do you have a (British) passport? Normally your passport photo will be used on DL replacements, when your DL photo expires, and if you authorise DVLA to connect to the passport office. Did you do this without realising?

    Point 4a. on the front is when your photo was changed – what does it say?

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