You can travel back in time to 1776 America. What would you do?

  1. Weren’t they giving out shit tons of land back then??? That… I’d get me a few thousand acres and start up a commune.

  2. Write it like you are explaining it to a 2 year old, and then make it simpler.

  3. have them define what the second amendment actually means so we can end the argument once and for all and stop wasting time and money trying to figure it out .

  4. Most people would probably want to hang me as some sort of spy or foreigner, as my modern American accent and lexicon would be extremely suspicious; especially during the contentious period before the outbreak of the revolutionary war. If I wanted to actually make any waves, I would probably try to find Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Paine, or other members of their intellectual circle and try to convince them I’m genuine. From there, I would try to help develop industry a little quicker, mainly focusing on simple medical advances (partially to ensure I’m not killed by something mundane that wouldn’t be a problem now, but could be a death sentence back then). Gotta be careful though, I feel like if too many knew the truth, a violent execution wouldn’t be too far behind.

  5. I need more info. Can I travel back to the present? Am I ageless until returning to the present? Or do I just get stuck there and forced to live the rest of my life during that time period? Because the answers to these questions greatly impact what I’m going to be doing.

  6. Get a rare piece of American history and then go on Pawn Stars to cash in

  7. Warn them about some things that should definitely be included in the constitution

  8. I would eliminate the ambiguity surrounding the “Right to bear arms”. perhaps by eliminating it and emphasizing the now intentionally ignored but important second part of that “For a well regulated militia”.

  9. If you’re black…….not going to be an enjoyable time in the South …….or the North, for that matter.

  10. Squad up with the homies and kill some brits. Green Mountain Boys strong!!!

  11. go west to what is now western Montana. Make peace with local Indians and live out my days in solitude with the local tribe warning their children and visitors not to disturb the old wolf on the mountain!

  12. I’d get back in the time machine and travel to 2299.

    I have no interest in travelling back in time further than 30 years.

  13. I’d “invent” metallic cartridges and repeating rifles. Walking around in the wilderness with only a single shot muzzle loading rifle and pistol would be terrifying.

  14. Join the Continental Congress and try to sneak an amendment in that Wednesdays are free ice cream days. Hang out with Benjamin Franklin because he was a total party animal. That guy fucked.

  15. Tell them that Europe (as in all of it) is going to be, one day, their biggest ally. But first Europe will be (some of it) their biggest fights

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