So I had a dude grab me in the restroom as I was washing my hands at a dive bar. Freaked me the fuck out, I didn’t punch him or anything, I just left til I bumped into him outside while I was having a cig. He asked if I was “okay”, I wasn’t “okay”, I just kept it cool and told him I don’t roll that way, and he took off.

I felt like I handle it well, I don’t know. I’ve been molested and abused before by my exgf and cousins, but not by a dude. I felt like I gave him chance to think about what the fuck he did if not next time will be probably be his last time. Life is fucking wack.

  1. Oh that one. A shove, and then one very very hard strike to his chest, right where his heart is.

    It didn’t stop his heart but at least he crumbled and tried to breathe.

  2. I’ve had a number of dog-faced women grab my arms at bars while they’re with a guy. No doubt, they were about to screech that I touched them and sic their guy on me before telling them never to touch me

  3. Never happened to me, and I’ve been to a lot of clubs. Sorry it happened to you. I’ve had men initiate violence against me in straight bars, but nothing sexual. I feel much safer in gay places.

  4. I kindly recognized their gesture and moved onward. If it continued, I reiterated and exclaimed my position. Forward from that, they’re facing a confrontation. And I do all to avoid conflict but sometimes, especially if this Is a place you frequent, I’d face it straight up. Let them know that they’re making you uncomfortable and they should move onward. If not, then talk to security.

  5. Well last time I went drinking with friends. My two friends went to the smoking area (and I don’t smoke. I stayed in the club). I remember some drunk woman with her friend randomly bumping into me and then touching me whilst trying to full on make out with me. It’s until I said “Dafuq” and her friend pulled her away whilst apologising to me. Her head went face first into my shoulder.

    Is that considered molesteting? She did try to make out with me and started touching me? She was obviously out of it and I avoid drunk girls at all costs.

  6. It’s always older chicks that do this shit to me.

    I also had a really aggressive heavyset lady that wouldn’t leave me alone one time, and I had to yell at her to stop fucking touching me.

    I complained multiple times to the bouncers, and nothing got done. I yelled cause she kept touching me without permission and I was kicked out immediately.

  7. Not persé sexually, but sometimes people wanna touch my beard without my permission. If they do, i backhand their arm away from me.

  8. Older woman, late 40’s and me early 20’s at the time, grabbed my ass as I was walking by. Not so much a slap or a squeeze, but digging her nails and trying to rip it off my backside.

    I managed to pull it from her grasp and continue on to the bathroom as she yelled at me for being a jerk because I didn’t want to return her advances.

  9. Of course.

    No group has a monopoly on sexual assault.

    My go-to move was to grab their hand and pointedly remove it. The one guy who needed to prove how strong he was got a dislocated finger for his trouble.

  10. I had a girl grab my dick. I told her not to touch me. She went back to her friend group. In the next hour, I had 4 of her friends trying to grab my pant leg, including one tried to grab it through my pocket standing behind me.

    I got them kicked out by talking to management.

  11. Yes, ton of women grabbed my junk; I noticed that once they hear I’m gay women in bars become brazen and much more forward. Like…you grabbing my dick is in no way going to make me become straight….

  12. More times than I could count.

    Wearing a kilt (I’m Scottish) virtually guarantees multiple sexual assaults. Women will take photos up my kilt, try to lift my kilt, grab me, grab my crotch, you name it.

    It’s got to the stage where I’m selective about where and when I’ll wear the kilt.

  13. My friend and I were watching a live band and these ladies kept grabbing our asses. As a guy, I guess I’m supposed to be ok with it?

    It was really annoying. We’re trying to take in a live scene and they just kept groping.

  14. I went to a concert by myself just to vibe and 3 girls kept grabbing at me. I made it clear I was there for the music and they kinda backed off. Was still jarring.

  15. I had a woman grind up against me in front of her husband at a bar. He couldn’t say anything because I knew who his side piece was.

  16. I got groped in a bar once. Not gonna lie i was fine with it. Let her keep going cause why not? Eventually she got bored of my lack of interest and wandered away. That was fun.

  17. Alot of times, I worked at a bar as a doorman many women think that grabbing my dick was a sure fire way to get in or flashing their breasts had some then say they were going to claim sexually harassment for not letting them in so I’d just point at the camera and tell them good luck

  18. I’ve had people come on to me pretty aggressively, maybe touched my arm or chest etc. It doesn’t effect me at all, and I wouldn’t call it molestation in the slightest… Molestation is when somebody sexually assaults me. Thankfully that has never happened.

    If somebody gets in your personal space just tell them to back off and move on.

  19. Yep… the other day, drunk lady sat down next to me and started rubbing my arm and leg, asked me if I wanted to buy her a drink, I said no. She huffed and tried it on some other guy.

  20. Oh yeah. I have had my junk grabbed, and/or played with before. The only thing you can do is put your hands up, and back away.

  21. Had a gay guy slide his hand over my crotch once, I just told him thanks but no. Later I ended up bullshitting wiyh him while we waited for our drink order. Come to find out he was rolling on molly. Nice guy though.

  22. I had a guy grab my ass at a bar while I was moving some equipment around.

    I just ignored it, mostly out of shock.

  23. I was in a club once and a guy grabbed my head like the mountain from game of thrones and shoved his tongue down my throat. I pushed him off me and went home immediately.

    Also I often get guys doing that thing they do to women where they move you out the way by putting their hand on your waist/lower back which is always really uncomfortable and weird. My other guy friends don’t have this happen to them, and they think it happens to me because I’m fairly short and have long hair so guys in clubs see me without seeing my face and assume I’m a woman

  24. Had an older woman (35 I was 18 ) follow me into the bathroom. And while I was peeing at the urinal she took my dick out of my hands while licking my neck. I told my boss, he laughed and refused to throw her out. Resigned than and there.

    Fun fact: ran into the lady a few weeks later she was extremely embarrassed about the incident apologised and offered to buy me lunch. Had a great time, and I fucked her in her car afterwards. Wild times.

  25. Cant consider this molestation or anything, but i went to a party and it was in a section on the other side of the gay bar…. I had to go to the restroom, so i went there and was pissing as a group of gay men came in and just watched me pee telling me i had a nice cock and asked if i was gay. Told them no and was highly complimented on my looks and everything, which pissed me off and i just left the whole party and place.

    Felt pretty violated.

  26. Went on holiday with my cousins to turkey, they were regulars at the hotel going about 3 times a year so they knew the locals, got introduced to my auntie and uncles friend everyone called him wolf, really friendly and accommodating guy. But my uncle told me he was a local hitman I obviously didn’t believe it because of how nice of a man he was. About a week into the holiday I went rollout drinking with my cousin and was approached by three Turkish men who from the minute I turned around wanted trouble, I was trying to talk my way out of a beating when all of a sudden the three of them all just stopped dead in their tracks and went green in the face, I turned around and there was wolf, the men apologised and ASKED if the could leave wolf said he needed a word outside and got me a taxi to my hotel for me. I always wonder what would of happened without him being there

  27. Happen to me while I was in a Pub rest room.A dude tried to force himself on me with is Johnson out.I friked out and pushed him with all my power.I do believe that he have taken some sort of drugs.

  28. Yeah it happens every once in a while when I go drinking, I just ignore it and leave the bar

  29. Yep. Women be grabbing my stuff. Let them know it’s unwelcome. The double standard in this area is sad.

  30. I used to have a guy friend with blonde hair down to his back, and he was thin so he looked like a woman from behind . He got groped more than once, and often hit on before people saw his face. One time when a guy groped him, the groper got mad that he wasn’t a woman and basically assaulted him out of anger or something.

  31. Happened once at a party in high school and once at work last year. To be honest, I didn’t even know what it was until later. I knew I didn’t like what happened to me either time, I knew I didn’t consent to being touched there either time, and I knew that both times, it was absolutely not ok, but I didn’t know what to do about it. Both times it was from a female. When it happened at work, I didn’t report the coworker because I didn’t think it was necessary. Like I feel crazy writing this out, but I wasn’t gonna get her fired and potentially ruin her chances of ever having another good job because she grabbed my ass. Honestly, I’m still confused about it now as I was when it happened

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