I’ve almost been wearing the same bra size (32B) for the past 10 years and basically only got attention from people in secondary school when they were interested in my bustier friends. This in addition to bullying caused me to develop body dysmorphic disorder. I’ve tried venting on other subreddits but I got not much support or a lot of men dming me to tell me they love small breasts or would like to see them. I just want to be pretty enough so I don’t disturb my environment or disappoint my partner. He says I’m his type but I just see no women that look like me that are considered hot and aren’t told that only p*d*philes could love their bodies. I’m tired of being infantalised and scared that people will find me too ugly to love. I’ve seen people give examples of small chested women that are considered hot but they’re also tall (I’m 5’3) and have a pretty face. I just don’t have anything to compensate with …

EDIT: I’m in the process of getting back into therapy soon
Also please don’t DM me, I am in a very solid relationship

EDIT 2: My heart is so full of all the love everyone’s sent, I’m so grateful for everyone who’s said something nice. I’m definitely going to focus on therapy as soon as possible, thank you all so much

  1. If you are that hyper focused and unhappy with your breasts then get implants or therapy

  2. I wear 30B myself, trust me there’s plenty of people who not only like smaller breasts, they go wild for them! Just look at subs like /r/aa_cups or /r/flatchested and see the love they get on there, find someone who appreciates you for who you are!

  3. I know this is probably weird, but I’ve had a personal stylist compile outfits for my specific body type, and it has helped me immensely with my body issues. Just being in clothes that make me look flattering

  4. I’d suggest hitting the gym, working with a trainer if you can afford it, and building up your musculature. Keep reading if you want to know why.

    My wife went from 38DD to nothing at all after a double mastectomy for breast cancer, and it really fucked with her self-image. Reconstructive surgery brought her back to a 36B, but it took her a while to remember that as much I loved having a busty goth girlfriend (and a busty goth wife) I love her for more than her tits or her goth librarian aesthetic. Therapy helped a little, but I think that what she really needed was to hit the gym. We’ve been working out together (because I had let myself become a fucking lardass), and while building her upper body makes her new breasts stand out more it’s done *wonders* for her legs, hips, and ass. She’s more confident now, and has accepted that a handful up top is all I need because her ass is good enough to *eat*. (And the only thing stopping me is her discomfort with the notion.)

  5. I am a D cup and my boyfriend prefers smaller boobs… everyone is different

  6. Small boobs are hot, some men prefer them, I mylself prefer them small and really don’t like them too big.

  7. >I’m in the process of getting back into therapy soon

    That sounds like the best idea. We could tell you how attractive you can be, give you lots of examples of attractive women who aren’t busty, and don’t have perfect faces – but I don’t think it would help you :(.

    But fwiw your boobs are awesome. Everyone’s boobs are awesome. Except mine when I get fat, a dad bod doesn’t suit me at all.

  8. Sounds like you’re *really* fixating on what you *don’t* have, rather than what you do. You say you don’t see anyone that looks like you that is considered hot. Where are you looking? Have you picked up any fitness magazines lately? There are still *plenty* of guys out there that still think healthy is sexy and that “thicc” is just code for “obese.”

    I do strongly recommend that you get back into therapy though. You saying that somehow the size of your breasts make it so that you’re not “pretty enough to NOT disturb your environment” . . . what does that even *mean?* NO woman’s breasts have that much impact on their environment. MAYBE some tactless guys ogle large, obvious breasts, but how do you think average sized breasts are such a massive point of focus for everyone that this is a thing? How are you viewing the world of human interaction to come to this conclusion, because . . . dude, no. Boobs are nice. They’re great even. But the world doesn’t revolve around them.

    As for your partner being disappointed . . . that’s you, not him. Guys like boobs. The boobs we like best are the ones we get to play with. Especially if they’re sensitive and make our partners feel good when we play with them.

    Please, please, please trust a grouchy old fart with nothing to gain from telling you the truth here. You KNOW that you’re in your own head about this. Don’t listen to yourself. For whatever reason you’re bound and determined to lie to yourself about this subject and I’m sorry that you’re doing that, but knowing that you do have incorrect ideas about this should arm you against your own destructive self-thought. Trust what probably everyone else on this thread is going to tell you.

    Good luck!

  9. I actually 100% prefer small boobs! I don’t find big ones attractive at all. I’m sorry you are struggling with your self image. 🙁 Chin up!!!

  10. I totally feel you. My whole post history is about having small boobs but nobody really understands what it’s like apart from us small chested women. Nobody even cares to understand or sees any problem. Everyone accepts that busty women are worshipped and admired and small chested ones are ignored or body shamed.

  11. I’m a 34B and got the bombshell bra from
    Victoria secret and I have never been asked so many times if I had my boobs done lol work with what you have and be happy! I’ve never had any problems w men being attracted to me or my boobs.

  12. It’s sounds like the issue stems from the infantilization you perceive for your cup size? Why do you think women who are short / have small breasts are inherently childish? Those aren’t traits restricted to teenagers and many don’t have those attributes like you mentioned. You’re projecting this view onto everyone else and attributing negative traits to yourself and others as a result.

    You have to learn to trust that your bf is being genuine that you’re his type and there’s nothing shady behind that. My gf has the same cup size as you and they’re perfect. When I initially told her that she said “well that’s a first” and it honestly makes me really sad. They are everything I could ever want and the most attractive thing to me. Bigger ones turn me off and that’s a personal preference, nothing wrong with that! I get to appreciate her fully and I’m sure you bf feels the same way.

    Edit: After looking at your post history I think moving towards therapy is a good idea, sorry that you feel that way. I wish mine and others’ perspectives could change how you feel about yourself

  13. You should seek therapy because it is literally all in your head. At a young age, when girls are developing their bodie, there is a higher status associated with larger boobs. This is reflected by the increased attention that boys pay to these girls.

    Once you become an adult, this becomes irrelevant. However, we tend to live with the insecurities that plagued us during our teenage years.

    I will not be able to convince you that your boobs are wonderful, because you don’t see yourself like that. I could give you plenty of evidence of beautiful women that are neither tall nor have big boobs. You are literally hurting yourself because you see yourself like that.

    Hypothetical: Imagine that you were to create an Onlyfans account, and you got tons of subscribers and a lot of guys telling how wonderful your body and your boobs are. All those compliments would be shattered by the one troll that would complain about your small boobs.

    Unfortunately, we give undue attention to criticism and we tend to ignore all the compliments that contradict those criticisms.

  14. My Girl has also small brests, but damn Im addicted to them. Cant get enough! So pls dont judge yourself for the way you look. Youre beautiful as the way your are

  15. Small boobs are great, and from your edit your partner likes you so that must mean he likes small boobs. Good for you for getting back into therapy. keep working on your self confidence your you’ve got a long life ahead of you, keep loving yourself friend.

  16. My man loves my (32 A) boobs and thinks I’m the most beautiful woman ever. There are plenty of people who love small boobs, cause in the end boobs are boobs. Men who complain about them not being ‘big enough’ aren’t men, those are boys. Real men know that boobs are boobs and all they wanna do is hold and touch them!

  17. You seem way more down on yourself than just your breasts.

    I would suggest maybe talking to someone about all this.

    As far as breasts go. Your size is EXTREMELY attractive.

    I don’t know where you are gathering your information of the assumption that people don’t like your size of breasts, but it is simply not true. Sure, everyone has a preference. But, there are a ton of people out there that find your size completely sexy.

  18. Check out r/smallbooblove. I have the opposite issue as you regarding size, but the same dislike of my breast. That subreddit is beautiful and filled with self love.

  19. I’m the same size! And I hate it. I’m 5’10 so it looks like I’m completely flat. I think height hurts.

    I have a lot of self consciousness around it. What helped me to work on the parts your can improve, like gym-ing a lot and building a nice ass and legs

  20. I have A cups and I’m 5’3 too. There are maaaany guys who like my breasts. Not “I like small boobs” but “I like your boobs”. So I’ve just recently started to accept them. I do have a big butt and quite a feminine form so that helps.

    Idk I think I’m great and you should too, especially since you have proof in a guy that likes you just the way you are!

  21. i used to think the same way, but my mentality has changed. i’m 20 and obviously i get insecure from time to time but men LOVE small boobs. we’re actually trending rn. i’m smaller than u are and have a wide frame and am not super thin (i’m muscular) and get so much male attention and have been complimented all the time, even about my small chest. i used to do the same thing as u, put myself down and say men won’t like me bc i hv no boobs. in reality, it’s just fat. boobs are literally fat. it does not determine ur self worth. once u find a man who truly loves u for who u r, breast size will not matter, only matters to immature toxic men. once u learn to love urself for how u were made and gain that confidence u will be set even though it took me years, good luck!

  22. There is a male fascination with big breasts that I (male) have never quite understood, but it does tend to make someone like you feel inappropriately inferior. Similarly, there’s also a male as well as some female obsession with huge penises in a world where the erect penis average is 5.1 inches. Owing to this you tend to see guys with big dicks posting as well as women with large breasts which gives the casual browser a somewhat distorted perception on where they stand with respect to “size.” A real man is ultimately interested in a whole lot more substantial characteristics than your bra size even where there might be a preference for larger breasts. The ones for whom that demographic is huge in their decision model are frankly not worth your time. They will almost certainly have other cognitive limitations that make a relationship likely fraught. As well, keep in mind that gravity always wins in the end and those huge boobs end up requiring lots of engineering to hold them away from one’s waist line. 🙂

  23. Therapy sounds great in your case, but:

    I will always say, if you feel like you need to compensate somehow male or female.

    Remember you can bust your ass on the gym, eat properly and you WILL have a body a lot of people crave.

    Takes a lot of effort but its one thing you can change about your appearance for sure.

  24. Congrats on being so self aware. if you want the therapy, get some. If you want larger breasts, get some. This is your existence and you should do what you want, not what others want.

    There are nearly 8 BILLION people, so yes you will find some who want larger breasts, and some who prefer smaller. So don’t feel bad because “everyone wants <insert attribute>” because there is no attribute that everyone likes/wants.

    Again, you rule! for being self aware. Best of luck to you.

  25. Every man is different, but I, myself could care less about the size of a woman’s breasts. I’m an ass man, and legs, so it’s different for everyone.

  26. I’m a 32DDD and never happy with the way my boobs look, if this make you feel better. I’ll be happy with 32B 😀

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