If a “slow” zombie apocalypse began right this second George Romero style, so everyone who dies gets back up, and we have our full knowledge of zombies from our culture, which US cities will do the best and worst at survival rates, considering density, geography, and the personality of the city?

  1. Juneau’s set. No road access and more than enough natural food sources to keep the population happy.

  2. NewsFlesh is a book series that explores a post-romero America if the idea is of interest.

    The first one is the best of the series.

  3. Does a bullet to the head get the job done? Because we have way more than 330,000,000 bullets.

  4. Denver and surrounding mountainous parts of Colorado are good to go. Healthiest state, plenty of guns and elevation changes to slow the shamblers down.

    The flat, fat parts of the deep south are screwed.

  5. The sprawling western cities are going to fare much better. Entire neighborhoods can be walled off and still have space to grow food for the residents in their lawns and backyards

  6. Wisconsin has 15x more hunters than Canada has soldiers. Madison is built on an isthmus, with the center being the Capitol building. This has walkways all around, with a big open areas all around (nowhere to hide). The short buildings provide line of sight for miles. The only problem is that it’s the one place in Wisconsin where there’d be Zombies Rights Advocates

  7. Realistically George Romero zombies Are actually very easy to deal with, Firehoses, Baseball bats and shotguns would eradicate them in vitually every American city in about a week at the worst.

  8. I suspect the entire US would have dealt with the issue within a month. It’s the 21st century, we have guns, cars, a nationwide internet and phone network. Less people would die from zombies than COVID.

  9. I think the Midwest as a whole would do ok. All we would have to do is hold them at bay until like late November, which would be relatively easy on account of all our guns.

    Then we could just go out at like 3am and bash all their heads in when they are frozen. Just go out with a sledge hammer and a mug of coffee and have at it for a few hours lol

  10. … Aren’t you assuming there even is a city that wouldn’t fall? Every one of them would fall into chaos and there’s too many people in cities for that not to be a fatal mistake. At least out in rural areas you have a grace period where panicking isn’t super likely to get you killed.

  11. They’d be drinking beer, laughing their asses off, and barbequeing zombie meat on every corner in Philadelphia.

  12. I can’t think of an apocalypse the US is better equipped to handle.

    Hell, this is the kind of thing millions of people have been practically waiting for – an excuse to do a lot of shooting *and* with no ethical concerns.

    I expect zombie killing to have turned into a near-sport by day 2 and the internet to be filled with various compilations of creative solutions.

  13. Big northern cities will go first. I dated a girl in NYC and she called her super to change the lightbulb. Not exactly self-sufficient. No emergency supplies, and no guns to shoot zombies. So NYC, Boston, Philly, Chicago are gone.

    The Bay Area and Seattle are next to go. Similar reasons, but they at least have some natural obstacles.

    Hawaii would be fine until the first plane with a zombie made it. Then it would be completely destroyed.

    Salt Lake City will be one of the last places to go. Mormons have at least 6 months of supplies for emergencies. Gun ownership is 46%. And there’s a lot of wilderness to get out to.

    Anchorage and Juneau would also be among the last to go, unless bears can become zombies.

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