What do 99% of r/AskMen users need to be told? 💭

  1. How to use the search bar.

    I promise you, your post asking about what beard trimmer to use isn’t the first time it’s been asked.

  2. Your opinions don’t actually represent all of the men in the world. Men have a high degree in diversity of thought. No we don’t all do “this” and no we don’t all do “that”. Stop acting like we’re all the same.

  3. The older you get the more you realize that the things you think are important aren’t…

  4. Stop asking questions that boil down to this:

    *”How do I get sex, dates, or a fulfilling long-term relationship without putting any effort in and without risking rejection or any discomfort in my feelings? Like, I want the other person to just do the work for me and take all the risks. I’m shy and somehow think that entitles me to be exempt from the discomfort of dating, and I want you to tell me that the fact I feel discomfort about the idea of rejection makes me special, please validate me on this.”*

  5. Men actually don’t have all the answers on here. Some people give good advice on here, but most people are talking out of their asses with no experience on the situation being questioned. People just don’t know when to shut up sometimes, they’d rather give bad advice than stay silent and unheard. Sometimes women come on here and ask men for help and the answers these men give are honestly disturbing… Take everything with a grain of salt. Experiment with the advice given at your own risk and with caution. We may be men but it doesn’t men we know everything about men.

  6. That if you were vulnerable/emotional with your partner and she didn’t react well to it, the problem isn’t your vulnerability. The problem is your partner.

  7. If you’re asking questions related to supporting women/girls in your life with specifically feminine issues/experiences maybe ask the woman/girl herself or someone who knows her preferably a woman, or failing that women in general

  8. No one owes you sex or attention. Figure out how to be ok with yourself outside of other people. You are loveable, start within yourself, love yourself first beautiful man.

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