After recently going 0/♾ with guys reciprocating feelings back, I’m putting my thoughts and notes out here to hopefully resonate with someone else. A lot of posts on this thread have helped me realize I’m not alone, and I’d like to do that for someone else.

-What (or who) is meant for me will not go past me.

-It is crazy to have such high expectations for relative strangers. If you don’t respond to my texts immediately, that is ok! I’d think it was weird if everyone expected that of me.

-Putting in work on myself now will pay off in spades later. Education, financial solvency, and mental health are far more important than starving for a partnership.

-If a guy doesn’t show interest in a bada$$ who has a lot of good things going for her, that’s a worse reflection on him than me.

-Being single is not a curse. I’m in control and selectively choose who I spend my time with. This won’t be the case forever, and I choose to cherish it now.

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