I (25 F) get a lot of matches but it’s still hard for me to engage. Although these men are great, I have a hard time staying excited about them. Some people might think I’m too specific which is fair. I want to be with someone that shares my cultural identity (I’m Latina), speaks my native language (Spanish). I don’t need them to share the exact same interests as me but I want to be with someone that likes to dance (I absolutely love it and my ex couldn’t dance so I would find myself feeling sad/bored Lol). I go to the gym 5-6 days a week and want my partner to be my gym buddy. I also want him to have a good career because I’m working hard to also have a good career. Im into big romantic gestures, having them open the door for me. All the cheesy stuff lol Are these things realistic or am I being too picky?

  1. Probably not all that picky really. Just try to meet Latin man at the gym or one that looks fit and is wearing a suit.

  2. You are pretty much looking for the stereotypical perfect man – fit, sucessful, into what you like (dancing), into gendered courtship (big romantic gestures).

    I mean that’s fine, you do you, but I would really think about one or two things you find *really* important (into dancing, maybe?) and which of these things are really just a status thing (‘good’ career’)

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