I recently joined Muay Thai and it’s really fun, but being the new guy with people who have known eachother for years can make for kinda awkward situations where I’m a bit left out.

It’s not so bad in the actual training since it’s one on one with another guy and you are kinda forced to talk.

But before the lesson starts and when it ends and people are just standing around talking to eachother I’m just kinda stood there alone and it just kinda sucks.

Iv went to around 5 lessons so far so it would probably improve over time but any tips?

I also find it hard to join in conversations like the other day everyone was just talking about all the famous fighters and fights, and while I watched a few I’m not like them who are super up to date and know everything so I couldn’t put any input in.

  1. That is normal when new. We’ve all been there. But try to be assertive. Pick your own partner, don’t wait to be paired or taking whose left. I usually go for same heigh and weight(i even sak them how much they weigh) or with someone I’ve trained with before. Ask them their name and introduce yourself right off the bet so you won’t feel weird asking their name later on. Heck, even if you forget their name, ask again. Even multiple times(“hey, sorry, what was your name gain”). This is the fastest way to get to know all the people. You should know names of all the people within a month and then you can address them by name and if they do not know your name you have the upper hand in the conversation. You can also switch partners during the session. Just tell your partner and some other pair, that you know or kind of know, to change to switch it up. Talk with people after the session is done or just try to be part of conversation. By only if it makes sense. Heck, start your own covnersations, no need to wait for others to start talking about something. You can even address the entire crow(“hey, anyone seen the ufc last night?”). I usually ask the entire gym if anyone wants to spar after the class and that is another way to “meet” people. I don’t remember my first classes but it sure was scary and isolating. Now I laugh at it and even if i go to new class i am totally fine because i have confidence in my skills(i am no longer clunky and awkward and know what i am doing). You can even walk up to anyone and ask about techniques or what they did last time when you were not present. And so on. Main point is to be assertive and to take action.

  2. I just joined jiu jistu gym. The more you go the more you’ll know them. Ask for advice and take their advice and get better. Sooner or later you are gonna be a great addition to the group

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