this is kind of a weird scenario but i wanted another pov without asking anyone in my personal life. so i’ve been playing sims for the last couple years as an escape from life. i joined the instagram sims community last year. i’ve had lots of fun on there and made a few good friends. one of my friends and i began talking in december of 2021.

me (F) and her have the same vibe so we became friends. we don’t know each other super well as it’s still kind of new but we’re working on it. we’re both anonymous so she doesn’t know what i look like and vice versa. anyways i think i like her for real but i’m not sure as i’ve always identified as a straight female. when she texts me i get super giddy and smiley and she makes me laugh a lot. we flirt constantly as a joke but idk it kind of feels like i’m crushing on a sim lol since i don’t even know her well personally.

i don’t know if it’s just happiness from finally having a healthy and fun friendship or if it’s more than that. i sound kind of crazy but i can’t tell if im overthinking. she makes me really happy and i find myself wanting to talk to her all the time. i’ve never had feelings for a girl in my personal life. maybe it’s just happiness from feeling like i can completely be myself because it is anonymous. I don’t know if I should keep getting to know her. I feel like i’m annoying but she says i could never be.

tl;dr me and my friend talk anonymously and flirt jokingly, and i’m not sure if i have a crush on her or if i’m just happy to have a healthy relationship where i can completely be myself.

  1. You don’t even know who this girl is or where she’s located. I suggest finding a girl you know and exploring with her.

  2. new relationship energy isn’t always romantic. sometimes we can get really excited about vibing with a new friend. i’m not saying you’re not feeling romantic interest in a woman, just that being excited about someone isn’t always romantic, and your comment about “finally” having a healthy and fun friendship could mean that you are feeling these feelings much more intensely than you would if you had a healthier background with friendships/relationships in general. again, yes, it could be romantic feelings! but don’t put a ton of pressure on yourself to figure out the answer right away. honestly i think the other person was right in suggesting you see if you can develop a romantic relationship to a girl who’s more available/closer to home. or, if that feels daunting, why not see if you can hang out in some lgbtq spaces, particularly for women who are curious or questioning, and just see if you vibe with what anyone says. maybe there’s a nice lgbtq friendly sims discord somewhere to start with.

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