I mean, is it to reassure about finance stability and attract women looking for long term relationships, or the opposite?

  1. It means they’ve never had money and now they finally do to some degree

    They want you to be impressed and not be financially retarded and fuck it up for them

  2. They’re making a statement that they’re established in life and not dependent on others. Never heard of someone saying they were looking to buy a car on a dating profile. That just seems out of place.

  3. Same thing women expect I guess… it’s just something yo brag about I guess or flex? Idk. I guess you could argue that it’s to demonstrate them being responsible?

  4. Some people aren’t that interesting. So just be like “hey I spent green paper on thing, please love me?” Maybe it works?

  5. A dating profile is an advertisement. So those are things like “Cruise control and upgraded stereo”, they are meant to convey some added feature. It sounds a bit pathetic, frankly, but that’s online dating for ya.

  6. These men are pandering, and it’s pathetic. They’ve heard through the grapevine that women are looking for a “stable” guy who is “financially stable” and “owns a house” blahblahblah, and they’re trying to signal that they’re that to get a date.

    Do better gentlemen.

  7. Flex to say the got there shit together. Could be to trick girls into hook ups or they might accually looking for long term. Never know if ppl lying over a profile.

  8. This is fake flex. Nobody who actually owns a house or can afford to buy a car talks about it on a dating profile.

  9. Presumably they are insecure about their financial situation. They wouldn’t bring it up otherwise. I never did. Of course, I was only looking to fuck, not adopt a permanent parasite.

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