Men of Reddit, what are some signs of a girl who has no self worth/low self esteem?

  1. The normal signs. Addiction, self harm, acting out, etc … be careful with them because they will expect you to fix them.

  2. Someone who can’t accept any praise and completely and totally accepts criticism.

    I had a girl in my church who we were supposed to mentor. For some reason, she just could not accept praise well at all, even if she totally warranted it. She helped out a lot and I genuinely appreciated it. But she just couldn’t accept it.

    But she wanted criticism because she always felt lacking and thought she had to be better. I tried to reassure her so many times she was doing well but the more I did, the more it made her believe me less. So I stopped.

    That was the clearest sign to me to this day of someone with really low self-esteem. I hope she’s doing alright.

  3. No desire to better her situation. Bad credit, can’t keep a job, constant substance abuse, no hobbies interests or friends. When you are her whole world and when you go to do things you like to do and she just wants you home to watch TV.

  4. Blaming yourself when things go wrong.

    Joking about yourself in a negative way.

  5. Multicolored hair, yoga pants in public, lots of tattoos, promiscuity, nose rings, flirting with any and every man they meet…

  6. Can’t/avoids making eye contact

    Always makes love in the dark

    Massive body count

    Avoids using birth control in the hopes that they get pregnant and can get unconditional love from a child.

  7. Has lots of guy friends and is very promiscuous. Having lots of guy friends usually means they’re just using them for validation, those guys are usually men who tried to get with them but failed but they still enjoy their attention. Being promiscuous is obvious

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