So I went on a date with a girl that I met who was working overtime at my hospital. We work polar opposite schedules, so hanging out is difficult.

We went on a date to a bar and escape room. Before the escape room, everything was going really well, and she was being really flirty and fun. Shortly after, things took a turn and she seemed kind of distant and it became increasingly awkward. I didn’t make a move just because of how uncomfortable I felt. I think I probably should have been more forward and aggressive early into the date, but IDK.

We texted later, and I gave her my availability for the next time we could hang. During the date, she mentioned a really slam packed week she had coming up, and that was actually the week she mentioned. But she did invite me to come up to an event with a bunch of her friends during that time. Unfortunately I couldn’t attend that particular event.

About a week or two later, she invites me to another event that I do attend with a bunch of people. I flirted with her a bit and she was receptive, but it became harder as the night went on since she was playing party mom to some people that were running around and throwing up everywhere.

A couple days after the hang out I hit her up to call in and play hookie with me, but she’s new and didn’t want to take the chance, so I respected that.

About a week after that, she came into work incredibly flirty and friendly. She was blushing and smiling at the shit I was saying, and everyone could see it. People were asking if we were a thing.

About two days after she was incredibly flirty, I hit her up with more availability of when to hang out. She doesn’t text back for like a day or two. I actually bump into her at work first. She tells me she got my message, but didn’t read it, and sits at lunch with me and reads it. She tells me she’s already signed up for overtime on those days, and can’t go. She shows me her phone (on her own accord) to prove it.

It gets incredibly awkward. Worst conversation of my life.

I see her around here and there every once and a while, and sometimes its awkward, sometimes its flirty.

She hits me up inviting me out to her birthday party. During the conversation, it gets incredibly flirty once again. We’re talking about how I will get her a cup of my bathwater, a lap dance, or a massage. She says she wants it all. I say be careful what you wish for, you might not be able to handle it. She says “You sure you don’t got it backwards and might not be able to handle me?”. I say, “Come find out” but she leaves it there.

A couple days later I inquire about the details of the party. She planed on having it in two parts, first part at the pool, second part at a bar later in the night.

She tells me only like 3 other people, who I don’t know, are going to the pool.

Should I go to the pool, or stick to the bar portion later in the night?

Should I even try anything, or is she strictly out for attention?

What do you all think?

  1. Hmm this is a tricky situation. I think you should go to her party since you already kinda agreed to it. See how she responds and treats you there and after. Try getting her alone so you can talk. If possible try seeing about a one on one date somewhere you two can really act. I would say be careful with how you deal with her especially since you two work at the same place.

    If she starts making excuses about why you can’t hang with her on a date and stuff and she starts becoming difficult to communicate with in general; just leave her be. You don’t wanna complicate things. You don’t have to stick around if you aren’t ok with how she do things. If she does start acting weird with you; be friendly if you see her at work but don’t go any further than that.

  2. I think you should have a talk with her and ask her if she gets awkward again. Maybe she’s on the spectrum so be careful about it.

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