I don’t mean I don’t believe in it philosophically or morally or whatever. Like I genuinely don’t believe it exists, or if it does it’s a statistical anomaly. My life has shown me that sex is incredibly rare and hard to get and that’s it’s normal to go your whole life without any kind of sexual intimacy, so when I read about people having hookups or FWB I just don’t see how it could happen, it just doesn’t make sense. Like being a virgin is the standard, right? I assume most people are virgins

Sorry but no one can just have sex that easily. This isn’t a porno, this is real life and in real life you have to wait. People always told me to be the best version of myself before I would be able to find sex, but I highly doubt all these people supposedly having sex are the best versions of themselves

Maybe I’ve engaged in an advanced phase of virginity. What number step is denial in the five stages of grief? lmao

  1. Rants are against the rules

    But lots of people have casual sex, your sample of 1 (you) is hardly conclusive.

  2. Your experience mirrors many people’s, but not others. Life is a spectrum and that includes sexuality and frequency of sexual encounters.

    Having read your post, I’d suggest just having a little introspection and seeing if perhaps a bitterness and anger within you is actually turning you into a gloomy and irritable person who isn’t much fun to be around and therefore also isn’t very attractive. Your post reads bitterly and with a lot of self pity and those aren’t things that really help you to get laid. . .

  3. It’s hard for me to believe that post is for real, sounds alot like a troll.
    Well, short version is – having sex is easy.
    It is hard to establish at the very beginning if both or you are interested romantically or just casually but overall people are horny af.

  4. There’s an increasing disparity between people who are well socialized, confident and sexually active, and those who are socially awkward, under confident and have no opportunity for sex. There seems to be less middle ground every year.

    It’s hard for each side to imagine how the other exists.

  5. I suppose it depends on where you are but a lot of people are having more sex casual and not than you think

  6. In my circles, casual sex is very common. How much casual sex there is often depends most on location, tbh.

    Noticed on your profile that you call yourself incel and go to bropill etc. People who use the word incel for themself tend to be off-putting irl to a lot of people, so that might be one of the reasons you haven’t been able to have physically intimate relations. I believe it’s a vicious circle – lacking those relationships drives you into incel spaces, and hanging around in those spaces feeds your bitterness on the subject and further pushes the possibility of those relations away from you.

    I hope you will be able to get away from the incel mindset and those spaces, as they can be rather toxic and unhealthy. Good luck, buddy.

  7. I know like 1 or 2 Virgins out of the 100’s of over 18 year olds I know, don’t think you’ve seen the real world yet lol

  8. Hello I am a lady and I have definitely gone through periods where I have nothing but ONS for months at a time.

  9. Just put yourself out there. If you don’t think there are thousands of people wanting someone to tell them “let’s have sex”, you’re clearly biased.

    It does not even have to anything to do with looks.

  10. You do you man…literally and metaphorically.

    Don’t matter what others are or aren’t doing. Find your own path.

  11. Depends a bit on your culture. I’m always having casual sex and that is not a problem for me, or for my partners.

    There is something called Sexual Maturity. You just don’t have that yet, and maybe you didn’t find the right partners. Of course, if at some point you find yourself in a place where you are really asexual, that is completely normal and you should do what fits you better! But sex means different things to different people, so you should be careful with that.

  12. Totally agree with you, man! Its my belief that Sex is something worth waiting for till you find Love and not just have Casual sex just for the sake of doing it. Its fine.. you might have to wait, but atleast you’ll be grateful to have a great love life and so on.

    Have a good one 😀

  13. So it doesn’t exist for you, so therefore it doesn’t exist?

    It doesn’t snow where I live, so therefore snow doesn’t exist?

    Strange logic.

  14. Everyone has a different experience.

    I am very much surrounded by people who are OK with and have casual sex relatively often (a few times a year, or more) m

    that said, I don’t know how old you are, but in my experience people loosen up about their hangups concerning sex after 30, and really let loose after 40. Friggin irony I tell you.

  15. Sex is very easy. Like rabbits, men will fuck almost any girl who is attractive and wants sex.

  16. Your experience does not equal the experience of everybody.

    I don’t think I met one woman that had problems getting into casual sex (if she wants it. Most prefer relationships in my experience).
    And when a woman is able to get a man for casual sex, than there is a man who got casual sex.

    I had 2 fwb for a while (not anymore because of long distance), so yes casual sex does exist.

    Im sorry that it’s so hard for you to get it, but please don’t mirror your experience onto everybody else.

  17. I wonder this too, as a woman. I mean, im married now but I would only want to have sex with a man if i find him attractive. And most men are not attractive to me. Do other girls really find so many men attractive or do they let themselves get fucked by about anyone?

    And how does one find casual sex? Where do they meet these people? This world is so confusing 😂

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