Man. My girl left after me liking pics on Instagram, and having contact with an ex for some time.
At first, I took it as it’s not a big deal it’s just likes and DM’s. I was being a stupid man who felt he could just do that. Never had any intentions of meeting these women on IG or having sex with them. And have never slept with anyone or met up with anyone in our time together. My ex and I known eachother for over 10 years it’s a strictly plutonic friendship. And instead of cutting her out of my life for my relationship. I tried to convince my girl that she was indeed a friend but this comes off as me fighting to keep her in my life when In reality I just wanted to be respected as a man. I understand the hurt, the pain, the mistrust, the insecurities. I truly do. I acknowledge and take accountability for my stupid actions.
I get it happened even after she asked me to stop, I can understand how that can make a person feel unwanted. But she acts as if she’s never hurt me in similar ways.
Man I’m changing and becoming a better person, I understand relationships aren’t going to work when I’m ready or when I’m changing for the better but why can’t women see when a man is in front of them trying, when a man takes action and accountability and wants to change for his women and for his life. She acts if I fucked the whole world when In reality I haven’t slept with anyone else in 3 years. It’s not even about man I fucked up I just know better. She says if I really loved her I wouldn’t have done those things but did I really do the worst things? I feel if u really love someone u do what’s necessary for the relationship, u make change, u do what they ask, u create reassurance and u keep the spark alive. And most importantly u try every single day.
Im mad confused son she blocks me and unblocks me. Tells me she was taking time to heal and was going to come back but gets mad that I followed a girl after she left and followed mad dudes. And now we’re back to square 1. I don’t get it.
I just want my family back. I don’t want to be on top of her and push her away and I don’t want to just let her go away.
Fellas just love ur girl don’t let social media lead u to believe she will cheat and don’t let your friends or society tell u what will happen and deff don’t bring any baggage from a past relationship into a new one that’s where I fucked up.
Shorty even got me opening up on Reddit like cmon. She’s taught me how to feel and express my feelings son but to her I’m an ungrateful asshole

  1. Lets leave your rant aside there for a second, you present yourself all high and mighty, and that you’ve changed and you’re desperate while at the same time trying to shift the blame onto her as well.

    Buddy, she told you not to do shit, you did the shit. That’s how it boils down. You crossed a boundary she set. And she has all right to feel angry.

    At the same time, she sounds like a very insecure and indecisive person as well. She clearly loves you, she clearly wants you, but at the same time being insecure like that I don’t think she is ready for a good relationship. I’m not saying don’t try to get her back, you can make shit work if you put effort into it.

    But your first course of action would be to meet up on neutral ground and talk things out. Tell her you’re upset she doesn’t trust you not to screw your ex behind her back, and that you remain friends. Tell her you’re upset she gets to be mad at you for following girls again while she is following other men again. But also hear her out. Let her tell you why she is upset, how she feels, why she feels that way.

    And then ask her how she wants to go on, what she would ask of you.

    Talk to her, buddy. But be calm about it and don’t accuse her.

  2. You’re upset that she left you because you aren’t trust worthy. It’s that simple. You have no reason to be upset at how she’s acting because she literally caught you talking to multiple women. It doesn’t matter if you had sex with them it’s all about the principle.

    If you would have caught her talking to a bunch of dudes you probably would’ve lost your shit. Stop feeling bad for yourself. If you love her change for her but if she still chooses to leave you then you gotta lay in the grave you dug yourself.

  3. Liking pics is fine! Most women don’t like it cos the don’t like competition and feel insecure cos obviously the girls pics we like are always badder than them and to them it signifies, if you could get better you would thus she isn’t a 10 and isn’t a hot/sexy as she thinks. plus she shouldnt be invading your privacy.

    For a guy a female friend who is also an ex provides almost no use or benefit to him. You are just supplying her with boyfriend benefits ie time and attention and not only are you not getting anything back for that, you have a girl to give your time and attention to. So imo you fucked up here but you shouldnt of tried to convince your girl. That’s weird. The first time she raised her discomfort with the friendship You should of stated you value your ex girlfriends friendship and you aren’t going to cut her off and stood your ground or you should of listened and cut the ex off. You tried to have your cake and eat it.

    If you want her that bad maybe give her some time swallow your pride and beg but if I was you I’d take the L make it a lesson and move on. Never run to someone who walks out of your life no matter the reason but it sounds like you have issues letting go so best of luck

  4. Your the problem. She seemed to ask since she knew you were texting other women (emotional cheating!) and it’s not her cup of tea be mad hope she’s doing great

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