It just seems strange to me that in a country where individualism is paramount, all the houses look like clones of each other. Are there limitations on how to build the house? Also how are HOAs allowed to put restrictions on what you do on your private property?

Sorry if I came across as rude but it all seems strange to me.

  1. >all the houses look like clones of each other.

    In certain neighborhoods?


    In every area?

    No, not even. There is no uniform house design in the US.

    > Are there limitations on how to build the house?

    Houses have to comply with building codes, so… yes. There are requirements on how the house has to be built.

    >Also how are HOAs allowed to put restrictions on what you do on your private property?

    If you bought a house with an HOA attached to it, yes, they can.

  2. If you think all the houses in America are clones of each then you’ve looked at too many planned communities. Those can be painfully identical.

    However, the majority of Americans don’t live in places like that, regional styles are common, and you can find quite a few different styles at play on most residential streets.

    Congratulations. You took your limited understanding of something and assumed you had the complete picture. Of a country of 330 million people. 😑

  3. The HOAs are allowed to enforce their rules because you sign a contract agreeing to their rules when you buy the house

  4. Individualism is just the culture, people aren’t actively trying to be different, they just happen to be. Individualism in America isn’t exactly the opposite of Collectivism, where those countries actively try to be similar to others and take pride in being the same. Individualism in America isn’t proud to be different, they just aren’t looked down upon for not being the same.

    Homes are built by businesses and corporations. It’s made to look similar not because they are trying to be the same, it’s just effecient to be. The design works, is easier to build and is easier to customize and make different once a person moves in. Not that most homes even look the same. Sure a neighborhood might have similar home layouts, but 330+ million people don’t live in the same exact home design.

    HoAs are allowed to do those things because you agreed to them. You moved into a neighborhood with an HoA and signed a contract with them. You don’t have to live in a neighborhood with an HoA. Most people don’t live with an HoA. Usually if you live in an HoA neighborhood, it’s because you want your neighborhood to look a certain way and be maintained a certain way. HoAs are great at doing that.

    I don’t get the correlation between individualism and similar homes though. It’s like saying why are their different sizes of people in collectivism societies. Because not everything is an extreme.

  5. Ànybody, with the correct permits, can build, or have a house built with good subcontractors. Hire your own architect, or pick from a builders portfolio, or from a book of house plans.

    Like clothes, mass manufactured is less expensive. My neighborhood is all custom plans. My previous one was one builder subdivision, and there were like 15 plans with lots of options, so we didn’t look identical.

    HOAs exist because people do not want the value of their homes depreciated by slovenly neighbors with terrible taste.

  6. Correct all American houses are identical. If you’ve seen the movie Scarface, we all live in houses identical to that one

  7. >Who builds the houses in the US?

    Real estate developers

    >It just seems strange to me that in a country where individualism is paramount, all the houses look like clones of each other

    You’re probably looking at some sort of suburban development with a handful of floor plans. Developers have done the market research to figure out what offerings are going to sell, so by using common plans, they can start building without selling first. It’s probably also a lot easier to manage during construction.

    >Are there limitations on how to build the house?

    Oh sure, there are building codes. Mostly, these have to do with safety.

    >Also how are HOAs allowed to put restrictions on what you do on your private property?

    Yes. It’s part of the contract you sign when you buy the house. HOAs are ubiquitous, though.

  8. HOAs do a whole lot more than just make up rules/restrictions. Also, all our houses do not look alike.

  9. Yes you can build many types of homes as long as they meet the state building codes, which are different for each state.
    Its just a lot cheaper (and faster)to hire builders who limit themselves to 2-5 house designs and they often have the contract for the entire development.

  10. those are suburban neighborhoods and most of them are built by a house development company who offers a couple house designs to choose from and you can customize the interior. its almost like building a car. yeah they all look similar outside but inside they all have different customized finishes. and most of them are extremely nice. most people would kill to live in one of those new build neighborhoods with HOA’s and all that. but most people dont live like that, most neighborhoods all the houses are different.

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