I just got back from a get together at a married couples house and I’m super tired so apologies in advance.

I don’t understand dating/women. Like it just doesn’t click for me. I don’t know what to do. I don’t know if I’m attractive, I don’t know how to find out, I just don’t get it. I’ve just recently turned 24 and as far as I know I’m a pretty normal guy. I have a nice job, a good group of friends, I take care of myself, I’m like 6’5 if that helps at all, but I’ve never been on a date. I’m definitely an introvert and can sometimes be socially awkward, and I just cannot for the life of me understand how people date. It baffles me. Even in high school I remember the only “girlfriend” I ever had made pretty much every move or got her friends to push me to make a move.

Hopefully this is the right subreddit for this, and hopefully I’m not sounding like too much of a weirdo lol. Is anyone else just totally perplexed by dating? How do I get a grasp on this before I’m 35 and still on reddit looking for answers?

  1. Is it possible you’re not awkward but different, observant not introverted…regardless be confident, there’s someone for everyone..have you got your eye on someone?

  2. Never been on a date?
    Well what if you go on a date with a girl by first getting to know her (as friends), then asking her “Let’s hang out at ___?” Could be an arcade, mall, restaurant, something social or something relaxed such as a picnic at the park.
    That would be your first date. Make sure to compliment her looks, buy her her food, and get to know her even more.
    Hope this helps!

  3. Well I didn’t really get your problem, whether you don’t feel anything, or you don’t know what to do on date and how to start it.

    I think I could say I was like you before.

    Quick question are you virgin? If you are uncomfortable just don’t answer.

    In dating you have to understand what you want to get from date. It may be sex, just talk to new people and get new info with connections, or maybe just get new experience.

    I for example went on dates just for experience, even though I was really terrified at the beginning. After 3-4 dates, I got used to it and now dating kind of feels normal.

    About talking to girls, if you are smart and many people don’t get what you mean in conversations, just don’t talk about it on date, cause girl will get boring, and boring means goodbye. Just ask her about something she likes or something else( search in Google what questions to ask on first date), and continue your conversation based on what she said.

    From my perspective it feels like I am climbing the mountain, and when I continue conversation based on what she said, I find new ways to climb higher.)))

    The best option would be if you find something interesting that girl knows, and go into it. So you get new information which you are interested in, and girl thinks that you are interested in her life.

    Also be careful on dates cause there are many girls who like when you pay for them. If you just don’t feel comfortable just leave her. You probable seem her for the first and last time in your life.

    Well, not much, but hope it could help you find you way about dating.

  4. Ok first of all man if you are 6’5 you will find women who will find you attractive just because of your height. So be assured you are not unattractive.

    Secondly men are expected to make he majority of effort on dating. And the reason you can’t find a date is likely related to this. You have to text her first, make conversation, ask her out, think of a good spot to take her…

  5. It’s not perplexing, just really annoying and hard. I also have problems with it and I’m introverted and awkward. Your height will get you noticed for sure. Also, if you actually had a girl make moves on you, then you must be decent looking. Being awkward and shy doesn’t help but some of my coworkers find it adoring but also I’m heterosexual so their adoration of me doesn’t help me.

    I don’t get out much but I think my quietness and shyness makes it hard for guys to talk to me too. I honestly don’t think I’ve put enough effort into dating

  6. The problem is that you listen to the wrong advice. One time I heard someone say, “girls tell you, just be yourself,” and if you think about it, girls do everything but be themselves, starting with how much they “tune” themselves; they will never tell you “you have to grow a pair and be a man, girls like someone who doesn’t need us,” no matter how much they presume to hate lies. If you stop listening to most women’s advice and start listening to successful men, your life will change. Don’t think you’re weird; statistics show the dating world has become difficult because of the impact of social media. And we are the blame. How would you feel if you get hundreds of likes and matches per week without effort or proving your worth? You’d feel like you deserve the best, and you wouldn’t settle for anything less than that. That’s the world you’re dealing with; our grandfathers or great grandfathers didn’t deal with this kind of game. You can make it. Just learn from the right mentor.

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