so an old friend (more of an acquaintance now) had previously sent me a wedding invitation through [](, where you basically have to enter your name and look up your invitation. About 2 months or so ago I saw my invitation but had not RSVP’d yet. I actually struggled a lot just because I didn’t really want to go as I am not really close to this friend anymore. I also don’t have a plus 1 to go with so I feel like it would be awkward. MY schedule was kind of hectic so I was gonna wait to see if I would even be able to go. Anyways I still bought her a wedding gift and decided to decline the wedding invitation but it turns out I can’t find it anymore, so I can only assume that my friend deleted me off the invite list. Which is fine as I did struggle with wanting to not go. But I’m not sure if I should reach out and double-check that it wasn’t a mistake? If it was a mistake, I want to make sure that my name is not on the list because I never formally declined. However, if it was not a mistake I also don’t want to make it awkward for my friend and bring up my invitation being retracted because I am totally okay with not going. lol advice?

1 comment
  1. Send her a proper card and say sorry for not being able to go and wish them all the best. No need to worry about the invite and you have been more polite than just sending a text.

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