When was the last time you cried? What was the reason?

  1. 3 days ago when I took my dog to the veterinarian, although it‘s nothing bad I cried after the appointment…because my period messed with my hormones…

  2. Yesterday and almost every night, still can’t get over mom’s death, friends death and my break up, which all happened withing the past 3 years. I watched my friend drowned and my mom died of cancer, which i also watched her take her last breathe. I became an alcoholic and addict, and I mistreated the only woman I ever truly loved. I see there faces when u close my eyes and sometimes when I don’t.

  3. Last night my husband did something hilarious and I was laughing crying so hard it took me 3 minutes to swallow the food I had in my mouth.

  4. Yesterday. My period started yesterday morning and I fancied a cream bun from the bakery down the road. When I got there, they’d sold out of cream buns.

  5. I lost my close friend to suicide. I couldn’t cry. I wish I could cry because that sure beats feeling physically ill all the time. I finally cried once when I called my dad to say I was struggling. His compassion had me in tears. That was 4 months ago. I’m a bit like a bright wall and have a very hard time crying. I was wondering what is “typical” for females because this makes me feel broken

  6. Yesterday because a friend at work asked if I was OK after a video call presentation and no I was not and am not OK.

    But better tears than most of the week: tears of relief because someone cares enough to ask and knows me well enough to tell, and the relief of having gotten through it.

  7. Yesterday, twice. Once when my kid graduated (happy/proud/sentimental tears), and once from laughter when my husband cracked me up.

  8. i cried a couple days ago cuz my roommate ate this leftover slice of cake i was saved from a baby shower lmao i just been on edge lately

  9. I think it was a few months ago. I cried bc of someone who I really liked as a friend ghosted me. They were everything I wanted personality wise, had amazing conversations with them and the connection we had was there. I would’ve loved to get to know them even more by meeting up and seeing how things go, but they went poof.

    I haven’t had this connection with anyone irl so I guess I really invested myself even though in the back of my head I had a small thought and “worry” they’d leave. I’m still bummed it ended that way but mostly over it.

  10. 5 minutes ago because a TikTok video. The girl had received her drivers permit and the same day her ex beat her and she had to relearn how to walk. She showed she finally passed her drivers test 😭

  11. A couple days ago. I was talking to my daughter about being careful on social media because of dangerous people.

  12. A month ago when my car engine blew out. I went thru all stages of grief. Fast forward a month later, new car 🙂 things get better.

  13. Today, because 8 babies got the best of me. I was overwhelmed with so much going on (repairs to the room, babies in another room, all of them crying because it was lunch time and sleep time, parent conplaints due to miscommunication etc. Etc.)

    And when I went on my lunch, I cried… then stuffed my face with chocolate.

  14. Today morning. Mom called after several days and as she talked, I put my side of call on mute and broke down. I’m having a really really hard time with everything, but I can’t really explain it to her, and it would be pointless even if I did as there’s little she can do to help. I guess I cried because I felt incredible lonely.

  15. Right now cause my mom kicked me out of the house and I have no money and nowhere to go

  16. Last week. I had a massive fight with my dad, almost turned physical (both of us) and I was super mad and scared, locked myself in the bathroom and cried my eyes out.

  17. A few days ago, coming out of therapy. I’ve gained some insights that are quite important, but also pretty painful to come to terms with.
    I’m dealing with it now, but I guess I need some time to give it a place.

  18. I’m rewatching Grey’s Anatomy, so…. probably cried like 50 times in the last week

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