so two parts

say you were interested in someone and you waited for the perfect moment (when she initiate some flirting, in social gathering , when you two are closer, etc, and you realised she was single at the time, when you find out she now has a boyfriend and it was recent you kick yourself.


But then again, what if she was waiting as well. she waited all along to have you ask her out, will she get tired of waiting and then just move on to the next person she fancys? what if you finally confess your feelings. will she break up with that person to be with you?


do people normally go with the first person who ask them out? if you dont ask, they’ll assume you’re not interested and move on?

  1. I haven’t but let me tell you if someone breaks up with their s/o just for you they aren’t going to be a good partner for you either. Why would you even consider contributing to that? Their partner is also human and has feelings. If someone is taken you have no option but to move on and find your own person. There’s no shortage of single people.

  2. > she waited all along to have you ask her out, will she get tired of waiting and then just move on to the next person she fancys?

    Yes. You have to understand women see the world differently. There are a lot of men out there, a lot to choose from, if you are not unique and don’t have the guts to talk to her then she probably will forget you real quick.

  3. Yup, I waited too long twice, with the same girl. Meet her in a college class, was trying to work up the courage to ask her out, but never did before end of semester, also never got her number so couldn’t even keep in touch. The next semester, to my surprise, we’re in another class together, I immediately start trying to work up the courage, but it takes a while cause I’m a chicken, the week I was confident enough to do it but was waiting till after class. During class she tells me about this dude she just started going out with…

    Probably a year or so later we we’re still friends and hung out regularly at school and she had a messy breakup with that dude, turns out he’s a bit of a prick, and she’s now dealing with mental health issues as well as some preexisting physical ones. One day we’re texting each other late at night and I let slip that I tried to ask her out. Her response “you should have, I would’ve said yes”. That was 6 or 7 years ago and I still constantly wonder what could have been.

    Take your shot, be respectful and honest, if your friends already say you’d like to see if there’s more than just friendship, but if she’s not into you that way you totally get it and am happy to remain just friends. It’ll be awkward for a bit, but it’s better than years of regret.

    Girls have way more options when it comes to dating, from the girls I know, they don’t just date the first guy that asks.

  4. In my experience as a man in the dating scene, there are no perfect moments to ask a woman out. You make the moment. You are the initiator! Generally, the longer you wait to ask someone out, the worse off you’re going to be.

    Women do not tend to go out with just anybody that asks. They need to first be open to going out with someone new, and they need to find you attractive. Asking and getting rejected a lot is totally normal, so try not to take it too personally.

  5. There will never be a perfect moment, and if you wait for it you will miss it. Make a good enough moment.

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