I was talking to someone at a party and since the girl I was talking to didn’t speak up at all I had to ask to repeat what she said twice. After that I could tell it was getting awkward so I just guessed and yelled out a “yeah” to try and get an answer to see what the first part was about. This did not work as she walked away with her friends. What was I supposed to say? Rethinking on that I bet from her perspective I sounded like an idiot saying that.

  1. Sometimes I have literally told them “ if it is important please repeat it “ 😂

  2. Just tease her and tell her you don’t mean to make you nervous and that she can speak up

  3. Oh lol, I hate this scenario. I believe that the most important thing here is to learn not “what to say next time”, but “how to (not) feel like the next time”.

    I believe that the next thing to say could be, “I really can’t hear you here at all, sorry”. Idk

  4. I tell people I have difficulty hearing when there’s background noise, and try to give the option to talk somewhere with a little quieter.

  5. I have a lot of hearing loss, so after the first offense I say “I have a lot of hearing loss, so if you want me to hear you, speak up.” I then go on about my business and if they need me to hear something, they speak up.

  6. Say “what?” With your tone increasing after every repeat till you hear them.

  7. I just say “I’m sorry I literally cannot hear you / make out what you’re saying” and laugh. It’s no biggie, if happens to everyone. It’s worse to just pretend you heard the other person and awkwardly nod and smile.

  8. I wave them the arm and tell them, “Yeah I can’t hear you” and laugh. Make it humorous? 🤷‍♂️

  9. lol i just say “yea” i hate asking more than once. having been on the receiving end of someone not hearing me tho, i never considered them to be an asshole. it’s just an awkward interaction for everyone involved so she probably just wanted to leave to feel less awkward

  10. I usually blame it on myself and say “apparently I’m deaf because I cannot hear a word you are saying”

  11. Just tell them you have hearing impairment

    Always works and they don’t end up feeling bad about themselves

    But people really need to learn to speak up …

  12. I usually say “I am so sorry, I’m *still* not hearing what you’re saying” and laugh. Or if I think I can get away with it, I just laugh and hope they don’t expect a response… however, it has happened where they do expect a response and I’ve had to say “I’m sorry, what did you say?” 😅

    Usually they understand cuz we’ve *all* been there.

  13. “I literally can’t hear what you’re saying”. If it’s really loud, like in a club, and you’re being flirty, you can touch their head to aim it toward your ear.

    I’ve done this both to a girl (she couldn’t hear me, so I gently touched her head with one hand and cupped her ear with the other) and with a friend (he would talk past my ear instead of into it, so I pointed his chin toward my ear).

  14. If it’s just a passive comment and I notice they laugh, I laugh. If I know they are waiting for a response or if I know they’re giving instructions of some sort, I just take the L and ask them to repeat themselves again ☠️

  15. Yeah,

    I’ve done that a few times with the same result.

    Maybe ask to go somewhere quieter.

  16. I work at a store, and this honestly happens with customers very often. Usually after asking 3 times I just go “I’m not sure, just ask my colleague”. Sometimes people get quite annoyed, so yeah, that’s fun

  17. Lol.. happens to me lot of times. If I think it is some necessary stuff then I politely ask to repeat, otherwise I just say “I am not sure”.

  18. Ask repetitively until they get annoyed and go away…that’s what i do

  19. At a club/party, just get closer. That’s one of the reasons clubs are loud, so people have to get close to each other to hear properly.

  20. The very next time don’t say it in words..say it in expression like winking your eyes in ambiguity or just crack a joke…why are you whispering…hope that works

  21. For something like a party/bar/club just acknowledge that it’s loud in there. “I’m sorry I really can’t hear you with so much going on in here. Can you speak up?” Make it a light hearted comment, it’s the frustration people react intensely to. Make it kind of a “isn’t it funny how loud people get as a group” thing. People respond to a “we” idea vs a “you vs me” idea.

  22. I normally repeat the sound I heard since I could let make the words out. I be like “look ian understand shit you said all I heard was “naaahaammamammma” 🤣🤣

  23. I don’t really find it awks but I just tend to say hang on let me come closer to you genuinely can’t hear you lol

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