Men what’s “She’s a 10 but” for you?

  1. Yeah yeah like I said, you are really fit
    But my gosh! dont you just know it

    – Mike Skinner

  2. – but she’s Christian
    – but she’s a Republican
    – but she thinks she has the right to use people
    – but she’s rude to waitstaff
    – but she’s not my wife

  3. But I just want sex
    But she smells
    But she watches the Kardashians
    But she chews with her mouth open

  4. Could be any number of things. Looks ain’t enough to lock this down. Plus I’m married.

  5. But she addicted to any form of abusive/addictive substance alcohol, cigarettes other drugs

  6. She has BPD (too triggering for me though I wish them well).

    She is not kind.

    She is a conservative.

    She cannot communicate her feelings or listen to others without reacting in anger.

    She ain’t got dat butt.

  7. She’s socially awkward. She can’t initiate convo, she can’t socialize properly, and she often doing her “me time”. And when she’s on her “me time” no one can reach her.

  8. Needs to get stoned 24/7 or even every day (goes for alc too but weed culture says it’s okay to do all the time/every day but it’s super frustrating to deal with/smell all the time), won’t maintain basic hygiene, wears sweatpants all the time, feels the need to constantly correct, creates ultimatums, doesn’t respect my boundaries, is a bully to her own “friends” (vent away but when it’s constant gossip and shitting on how they handle situations it turns to bullying. Not cool), and not having a car/license. God that shit is annoying. Get back from school/work and just want to shower have dinner and rest but she’s been waiting ALL DAY to go to Walmart or Target so it’s my responsibility to go back out, or I can’t go to a friend’s to drink (personal choice, but not even one beer and we are in college, I wanna get wasted with them too baby, damn).

  9. Her husband found out about us

    she’s an activist/lobbyist

    she refuses to clean or get a job

    she smokes

  10. My last ex. When it came to looks, she was every bit a 10/10. But in every other category she was (at absolute most) a 2/10. She hid it all from me pretty well, the cracks didn’t start showing for almost 6 months. By the 8 month mark, i was outta there.

  11. 10s don’t exist, what most men consider “10s” are usually 7s and 8s with a gym membership, a boob job, lots of makeup and a well filtered Ingram page lol true 9s and 10s are unicorns

    As for the question I’d say a girl who doesn’t respect me, respect comes in the form of loyalty and commitment…ie she’s not talking to other men and showing her body off on Instagram.

  12. She’s super irritating. I’ve met a few people I’d classify as a ten, but they just don’t shut up. It’s not just that they like to talk, it’s their tone, etc.

  13. Extremely picky eater

    Overly materialistic

    Politically Conservative

    Lacks empathy

    Tries to be the life of the party


  14. She’s a 10, but she treats other people like shit and has narcissistic tendencies.

  15. This is usually “is so insecure that she sabotages the relationship and lacks healthy communication skills”

  16. – She has hard-leaning political ideologies
    – Dumber than a bag of hammers
    – Refuses to work out / eat right
    – Double standards
    – Rude to people who work in customer service fields
    – Addiction

    Could probably think of more but you get the picture.

  17. Has a sugar daddy

    Has never had a serious relationship

    Smokes cigarettes/meth, either or

  18. she’s a narcissistic womanchild who thinks her ways are the only correct ones and rest are wrong to the point she indoctrinates others on her ways with her means whenever they want it or not.

    There are many ways to make a kid 4 year old take a turn a being vegan…showing him videos of cows being slaughtered and skinned alive in front of their calfs in order to traumatize him against meat is not one of them.

  19. Bad attitude, she’s known to sleep around, way to many guy friends, tells a lot of lies, drinking/drug problem, party girl, crazy exes, doesn’t have a job, lives off of her parents, only talks to you when she needs something, take your pick.

  20. I havent came across my 10 yet…. Maybe a good 8 and a solid 9, but no 10 yet

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