What is something one does that helps when you’re feeling overworked or over stressed?

  1. I prefer to just be left alone for a little bit. All I really need is some personal time and space to cool down

  2. Taking long walks in a park or other pretty, quiet place; talking to a good friend who helps you laugh; listening to some good music; and, well, honestly, sex either with someone or with oneself.

  3. If I’m feeling stressed at work or school, I usually will drop all things and go outside and walk (prefer if it’s warm and sunny). I feel just walking outside and listening to the nature sounds helps calms me.

  4. Lol am i finna be the only guy who says it? A BJ is the answer tbh. At least for me. And music but yeah.

  5. The most important thing is stop overworking yourself. Take a mental health day or 2 and do stuff that you enjoy.

  6. motorcycle if i want to just not think (all brain power is going on actually motorcycling get in the zone don’t think about anything else). run if i want to think about things a bit. lift. get out of the house and get active

    a piece of paper and a pen and write what’s worrying and what can i do to resolve it? it’s taken some work but i don’t worry about things i can’t do anything about what’s the point? or things/decisions i’ve made in the past – it is what it is just deal with the consequences. write a plan of how you’re going to solve/deal with what you can and stick to it

  7. After a bad week I make Sunday a day that I don’t do shit. No work, no cleaning, no errands. I just lay in bed and relax.

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