Do you enjoy dinner dates? Why?

  1. Depends on the context of a date. I think it’s a bit too much for a first date with someone i barely know. But when we already know each other a while and i know we have some chemistry, i think it’s a nice way to get some quality time.

  2. For a first more casual date I usually suggest lunch or a quick bite to eat. However, if I know them, a second date, or someone I seem to have lots of chemistry with on the phone already I love dinner dates. Gives you a chance to talk to someone and get to know them better. It is somewhere public so I feel safer and if I am feeling nervous, I can always get a glass of wine to sip on through the dinner.

  3. Yes but not as a first date, it’s too intimidating and hard to get out of if things go south. I’m in a long term relationship right now and we both love dinner dates primarly because we really like discovering new restaurants and food in general

  4. I prefer getting tea or going for a nature walk, something simple. It’s low cost for both people and is a more quiet activity where you can really get to know the other person.

  5. Depends on the person and the restaurant. I would enjoy McDonald’s in some people’s company, but for the most time I want to go to a good place with good food that I can afford, since I usually pay for my own dinner.

  6. Yes. Dinner dates give my partner and I time to just enjoy each other’s company while enjoying a good meal that neither of us had to cook or clean up after. It’s fun and enjoyable for us.

  7. Not for a first date, but after we know each other a little bit and can a conversation flowing.

  8. YES! they are the best, I LOVE food, and like to see if the guy can handle spicy food lol

  9. Yeah 🙂 because food and good company. I love food, I love bf so just win-win really 😀

  10. I do. I love food, and bonding over it, and how it leads to so many j retesting conversations. That’s what I miss the most about my youth.

  11. Yea. Everyone eats and it’s a good way to start to get to know someone in a safe public atmosphere.

  12. I have mixed feelings on them. If it’s with the right person, then yes, because the conversation flows before food, and you can figure out quickly how awkward someone is during the silences. Or if you’ve been dating for awhile, the dinner dates can be a good time to put phones down and connect with one another. Some of my favorite dates with my exs were going all out for a boujie dinner – couple of drinks, apps, main courses and dessert. I don’t normally indulge like that, and it’s fun going to new places.

    With new/first dates, it’s hard to know how the date will go until you meet in person, and sometimes it makes for a super awkward first date. I also tend to feel bad if I go on a date with a guy and I’m not feeling it, and he insists on paying. I know I don’t owe him anything, but I feel bad rejecting him once we then leave the restaurant.

    I recently ended a relationship, but I think when I get back out there, I’ll switch to meeting for drinks only for first dates. Less pressure and you can be out in an hour, if you’re not feeling it.

  13. Of course. Who doesn’t love going out for a nice meal that you don’t have to cook or clean up!

  14. I do. I like good food and dinner conversations. My partner and I usually go on dinner dates together or with some of the other couples we know.

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