hi everyone! here goes.. I met a French American girl at a bar. she was enjoying and dancing really carefreelly and for the first time in my life I felt a huge attraction towards her and i really got happy to see her enjoy. The next time I told this to her and somehow successfully exchanged contact details. The messages summarised for a next meet at the club and to enjoy together. Can you suggest and advice me on what should I do to impress her more or atleast how not fuck up our time together so that atleast i meet her again. Some do’s n don’ts or any sort of advice will work. Info: she’s french-american girl and i Am an Indian boy. We study at the same University somehow.

1 comment
  1. Whatever you do don’t try to hide any part of yourself in an effort to impress her. If she is genuinely interested just having a conversation and getting to know eachother should be good. She likes to dance, offer to dance! After a little bit (and if yal drink/can drink) offer to buy her a drink! Ask her about herself, compliment her answers like what she’s studying in school you could say “wow that’s a difficult major or wow you must be really smart!” Personality compliments are always appreciated, tell her her outfit looks good and just try to look for common interests. Actively listen to her, nod as she talks, eye contact, face her with you full body. Ask her about herself and try to ask different questions not around the same topic all night so you guys can get a good feel for eachother. Smile a lot and make sure you brush your teeth! Good luck man🤝

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