Me 21M is having a long distance relationship with my girlfriend 19F. We really love each other more than anything else. We started having phone sex months ago and one day she says that she wants to have sex when I go back to my country. At first I tried to convince her that it’s not the right time but she was too dedicated to refuse. So i had to change my mind and I told her that okay we will have it. Im going back to my country in a month. However, we had a fight for some reason 3 days ago and we didn’t talk for 2 days. There were a lot of confusion. Today we were talking normally and suddenly the topic of sex popped up and she said that she doesn’t wanna do it now. I was kinda feeling weird that for month’s she’s been asking for it now all of a sudden she changed her mind. Although previously she used to ask me what if she changes her mind and I used to tell her that if she changes it then we won’t do it unless both of us agree. Now that she changed her mind I kinda cannot take it. Although I told her that it’s okay but just tell me the reason, she says that she just changed her mind because now she doesn’t wanna do it. It’s just her mind. I feel like there is some reason but she keeps sayin the same thing. So I just pretended to get over it and act cool but my brain keeps thinking the same. I cannot even be open to her about what I feel otherwise she’ll think i was faking everything till now. It just keeps spinning around in my head. She doesn’t even want to have phone sex and I don’t understand what’s wrong in there as well.

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