This is my opinion but I think I done figured people out why people are getting desperate for relationships they don’t love themself so they’re grabbing ahold of anything that can make them feel loved but on social media it’s a different story but also when It comes to that they don’t put the work in to build a relationship and what do you expect from someone that has their head on their shoulders and know what they want in life stop settling for less because you feel like you won’t amount to anything fuck that mindset your better than that you gotta take what u want and own ur shit And love yourself before you can even begin to love someone else properly and NOT Give A Damn What Anyone Else Thinks People always looking to social media to get fulfillment from other people and most women say it’s the men lol sometimes is it but not all of us are the same I know what it is to be in a relationship now more than ever but I don’t boast cause I know who I am . I’m saying this to hopefully help someone that doesn’t know their true self bro know your worth but don’t get big headed about it Just Alittle advice for people going through it you’ll get there it just takes time I got ur back and if anyone need someone to talk to or going through it hit me up I will always have a lending ear to give for someone in need !!!!!!

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