Okay, so the title is a bit hyperboled, so I’ll explain the situation. I (20f) have been dating my gf (22f) for the last 6 months. I like her so much and we go together so well, our opinions and world views match perfectly, however there’s been an issue which I’m not sure if it’s okay for me to express. She is very specific and there is a lot of things that disgust her, for example feet, sounds of people eating and stuff like that, which I get and most people aren’t fans of such things but she is the person who will throw up if anyone touches their own feet in her presence. I get that that’s an issue for her too and she would like to be more neutral about such things but I noticed thag I’ve started being more insecure about my feet, eating when she’s around and other stuff that I won’t mention. For example i wanted to buy sandals for summer but decided not to cuz I’d be self conscious around her or when we go to bed together she sleeps in socks and I feel so bad that I have to take mine off but I just can’t sleep with socks on. She’s never told me anything about it directly but comments on other people doing such things all the time and it just makes me feel so bad, but I also feel bad to bring it up because what can she do about it?? nothing! it won’t magically disappear. This issue is to the point where I haven’t seen her feet ever in 6 months because she’s just so weird about it in general and I don’t know what to do about it anymore, I don’t want any more insecurities pilling up like they are right now..

1 comment
  1. – Don’t take it personally. It’s her thing. Have understanding for her experience but don’t supress yourself for doing a basic normal thing. Walk in sandals.
    – Misphonia is related to obsessive-compulsion. OCD.
    – Can often be traced to a stressful event or life change that led to greater responsibilities. The events can inflate the person’s sense of responsibility, generating anxiety and a desire to ensure that they don’t let themselves and others down by allowing bad things to happen.
    – The irritability can be cured by general wellbeing and socializing with positive people.
    – I hope she gets over whatever she’s been through, which caused her to be like this.
    – She’ll learn to be more realistic. She has no choice. Life will make her.

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