Hey guys,
I am M(33) with my Gf (28) In committed relationship for last 6 months and we absolutely are in love and care for each other deeply.

I have been noticing something unusual so my gf has been out for a family trip since last one week we barely talk on calls due to my work schedule and her getting tired after roaming around so it had been difficult to keep in touch and talk like we normally do.

But as the days passed i started becoming more restless and moody and started missing her and in phone call and text when we finally talked i got angry for no reason that she gets tired and doesn’t talk etc out of blue.

So is it normal to feel restless,moody and miss my gf aswell as getting angrey why is this happening any insight ?

TL;DR : when I don’t meet and spend time with my gf i get moody angry and restless,is that normal?why does it happen?

  1. Early into a relationship, there is often quite a rush from being together. Your brain gives you lots of positive chemicals to help the early relationship feel exciting. This is why relationships tend to progress from exciting but with nervousness to comfortable but with the need to actively work to keep things fun and not let them go stale. But early into a relationship, when you are apart, you can feel what is essentially withdrawal from all of those feel-good chemicals. It’s not the same as drug addiction, and it is natural and fine. But it can cause people to behave in bad or foolish ways. So, now that you are aware of the issue, you should make more effort to control your actions when you feel irritable or angry. Usually this will pass as you get more comfortable together, and then can be okay with periods apart while looking forward to seeing the other person again.

  2. Yes, it’s normal. It happens because you miss her. You miss her because you love her/like her very much.

    Channel that angst into something beneficial. When you miss her, don’t get gloomy, pick up a pen and write her a poem or a story about her.

  3. find something to redirect your emotions. It sounds like you work a lot and that probably wipes you out and doesnt leave a lot of time for other things, so it can be easy to get into the habit of your happiness being dependent on a significant other. Make sure you take time for your own hobbies or seeing other friends, so you can have other things to look forward to during the work day. Missing a partner is normal, but that doesn’t mean you can’t find ways to improve how you feel at least!

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