If someone tells me they love me for no reason I’ve gotten panic attacks.

If someone gives me a hug for no reason I get super anxious/ shakey

If someone tells me they appreciate me (if I haven’t done something or given something) I get confused

Basically Im only comfortable if Im being treated poorly, like insults or getting hit. I can be in those situations all day and be totally at peace and myself. But if someone is being nice I feel like something absolutely terrible is going to happen to me.

A friend I made at work who is now one of my closer friends remarked that when she or one of her friends goes to hug me or squeeze my shoulder I’ll flinch. She also told me I tend to overgive even if it might not be wanted; giving cash when someone offers to share a blunt, always agreeing to offer rides or help people move..

I don’t particularly have an issue with how I am because I usually prefer to be alone anyway but I mean I also feel bad because I tend to leave early to avoid hugs which makes people think I don’t like them and I also don’t feel comfortable around people who are being nice to me so I feel like if I don’t change I’l probably never be happy.

  1. When u get uncomfortable it is not your fault or something bad gonna happen it’s just that u are not used to it.Trust can also be the obstacles.
    U get uncomfortable when someone praises u it’s because u felt good but you don’t know how to react,it is not bcoz u don’t like it but it’s just u can’t react on it then u regret how u reacted.its fine coz most of people understand how u feel coz they feel the same way,it’s okay to be uncomfortable 👍just feel easy and calm it will workout

  2. I think this is pretty common for people who have been through abuse. Do you have the option to get professional help? Because you definitely deserve to be happy and to be treated well and it can be hard to accept that on your own.

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