There is someone in my workplace who is a bit of a narcissist. And seems to have kinda chosen me as a victim.

I’m completely unaffected by them, mentally speaking. I don’t get a mini heart attack when they’re suddenly rude to me or anything. But I would still like to know what to do with this guy.

Is it best to ignore him and not talk about my emotions with him. Or could I somehow micro-fight back with more mindgames?

This is what usually happens :

*I enter the room and walk past him*

He says :”Ayo whats up [my name]”

*as he walks past me to leave the room later he whispers:”

“Fucker…” (Or some random insult)

*He leaves the room before I can react. I remain silent minding my own business unaffected*

This is the most common scenario. Otherwise it’s just some bullshit that could be considered teasing but honestly it’s usually stupid, I just react by smiling and… Let’s just say he’s trying to hard. We encounter eachother a lot. But there is very little I know about him and very little he knows about me.

Narcissist or not, I kinda wanna “fight back”. How can I do that? Should I?

  1. Record him doing it several times and report to HR (assuming you have a whistleblower program).

    I would only recommend this because it is a workplace incident – otherwise I would be confrontational and “in your face” as most narcissists I have met are also kind of cowards and stop doing it at the first sign of resistance (i.e. stand your ground)

  2. what comes to mind is the phrase “don’t wrestle with a pig: you both get covered in shit and only the pig enjoys it”

    this guy’s had a lot of practice working out how to wrestle enough to cover other people in shit without getting fired himself. you have not had that practice, and your workplace is a bad place to try and learn.

  3. Record him and play it on speakers when you get a bunch, maybe make a remix and put it on blast lol

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