What is the struggle with being a man?

  1. I’d say, as someone who prefers to be smooth on face and body, SHAVING IS A TASK!!! Every alternate day :/ other than that, the societal pressure of the saying ‘be a man’ is the worst

  2. idk if this has to do with me being a man, but i feel like no one supports me with anything

  3. Having to unstick my dick and balls from my thighs when it’s hot and humid

  4. A large portion of men are very lonely compared to women. Assuming we’re looking at the single population, there is a hyper minority group of men getting almost all the attention from single women and the rest of the men get next to nothing.

    Here’s an amazing stat to prove that. On Tinder, men like around 60% of female profiles where women like less than 5% of male profiles. Now that can be interpreted as men just looking for sex, but the difference is still staggering. A desperate man will give almost any woman a chance, but that’s just not the case when the roles are reversed which only produces more desperate/lonely men, and then the cycle continues.

  5. Having to justify everything I like. A girl likes star wars or marvel they’re seen as the dream girl, but like I gotta explain why I like the shit.

  6. You are often deemed a sexual predator/abuser until proven otherwise, you are somehow expected to take charge and fix things by default/take on the undeisreable dirty physical tasks, and if you show “too much” emotion you are weak but if you don’t show enough that is somehow a problem too.

  7. No support, in general goals and aspects of life or in mentally aspects. Leads to an abundance of loneliness and depression.

  8. Men play on a harder playing level then women. Men have higher suicides rates. men have more work place death. More men in prison. Men are ruined in divorce even when it’s the woman that screws up. Men have to build themselves up. Most women just move in. Women can sell feet pics make 10 grand. You can’t give dick away. Most men are invisible to women and most women all want the same men so average guys get no play. The struggle is real.

  9. Having barely any emotional support because if you ever dare show your emotions in public, you are considered weak and not a man at all. Getting told to “man up” is all we hear

  10. Having platonic female friends can be hard. There have been dozens of women over the course of my life that I have zero interest in dating or sleeping with but I’ve still had conversations like this.

    Her: “Hey, LPP, we’ve been hanging out a lot lately but I just want you to know, I really just see us as friends and don’t want you to get the wrong idea.”

    Me: “Huh? Oh, yeah. I know. It’s totally platonic on my end too.”

    Her: “Wait, what? I thought you kind of liked me.”

    Me: “I do. As a friend.”

    Her: “What? What’s wrong with me?!? Are you saying I’m not good enough to date??”

    Me: *Furiously tries to figure out how all possible answers to this are bad.*

    It’s almost like straight men are all assumed to always be wanting to get into a girls pants and in fact, are considered ‘wrong’ for not wanting to. It’s weird.

  11. I grew up with a mom and 3 sisters. I was brought up to believe men are scum and that women are innocent, easily bruised creatures. Now at 41,im the only man working with a bunch of women. Ive only learned now that my mom and sisters were wrong and that women are actually worse than men. Far worse

  12. Truth is more objective for men. Recently (from a US perspective), truth has moved more into the realm of subjectivity. Logical and rational debates are not welcome any more since they likely they contain inconvenient facts that people might find “offensive”. Debates are now feelings first, with cherry picked “facts” and “studies” that support them. This is not how men think, and we will now be ill-prepared for this new paradigm.

  13. I find it’s very difficult to make friends with other men especially as a middle aged adult. My wife makes friends with other women easily and has a huge network of girls she talks to but I barely have any and my good friends since high school and college all live in different states. It’s sad. Even if we hang with my wife’s friends and their husbands they barely talk to me lol

  14. Everyone tells you you’re allowed to be sensitive and open up but when you do they all back away and think you’re too emotional.

  15. If you are passionate about anything physical, sports related, or car/truck related, it’s “small dick energy”

    somehow, not giving a shit about anything and being basically an empty sack of a person is “big dick energy”

  16. Being a man every day, not bitching out and quitting. Doing what you have to like it or not to take care of your responsibilities. But that’s what makes you a man.

  17. when you get abused by your GF no one gives a shit, you get victim blaming, heck you might even get blamed as the actual abuser just because you are a man, specially very annoying when women try to pretend that what happened to you is not important by talking about how women’s rights is blah blah blah, to try to support a disgusting POS trash abusive woman.

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