Men, when ending contact with a woman you’ve been seeing for a while (no more seeing eachother, talking etc you decide you want to start dating others again) assuming the situation didn’t end in a dumpster fire way, what would make you keep her number vs delete it? Why would you want to keep it of you do?

  1. I delete if the person showed themselves to be untrustworthy or an a**hole, otherwise I keep it even if I don’t plan to call again. I only delete the a**holes

  2. I always keep contact info. Forever. I’ve never deleted a number.

    Better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.

  3. I delete everything that i deem unnecessary, if i no longer have a use for a number then i don’t need to have that number, right now i have 7 contacts in my phone, one friend, my mother, my step-father and 4 acquaintances.

  4. I never delete anyone.

    I have saved numbers going back to people I associated with back in 2003. I’ve had the same cell number since then too.

    I’m very disciplined at not contacting someone I don’t want to talk to again. I keep those contacts so if by odd chance they contact me, I know who it is and to not accidentally respond or take the call.

    I’ve had zombies rise from the grave after 9 years.

  5. I keep my desktop clear, I only keep the banger songs in my playlist, and my contacts are whittled down to people I expect to be in contact with.

    Not even my whole family makes the cut.

  6. I have contacts of people who have passed away. I never delete contact info, unless requested or warranted. If all ended in civil terms, it’s going to be there, mainly because, if by any reason someone calls me, I prefer to know who is calling immediately.

  7. I don’t delete contact but I deleted my social media apps after a breakup bc I was tired of all the fake bullshit and drama. I don’t feel like I’ll ever delete a contact bc there’s no reason to, I don’t talk to people I don’t want to but in the rare case that I do need their number like I find their dog loose or something random I have it.

  8. Regardless of what happened or how things ended I delete, because what’s the purpose of keeping those things?!?

  9. If I still have feelings and know that they’ll only bother me in the long run, then I do. Besides, they’re always the ones that start ghosting me.

  10. Because there’s no real difference. If I have no interest in talking to that person again then I just won’t. Sure I could delete it but it’s more effort and the outcome is the same so why waste those 5 seconds I could spend daydreaming around on something that has no benefit?

  11. I delete anyone I stop talking to or if the communications are only going 1 way.

  12. About 3 weeks after a relationship ends, I have a tried-and-true formula:

    * Anything they gave me, like cards, notes, keepsakes, gets thrown in the dumpster or sold off. Exceptions are expensive tech, books, or clothes I still wear.
    * I unfollow and unfriend them from all social media. If it was a particularly bad breakup, I block them.
    * I change the number to zzzz[name]ignore. I do this for 3-6 months, just in case something pops up I need to contact them about.
    * File any pictures we took or I have in my pics folder with them in an archived folder.
    * After 3 months, I delete their contact information and phone number.
    * After 6 months I delete the photos.

    The whole point of a breakup is it was broken. It’s over, it’s done, it’s now in the past. The less stuff I have, and the fewer ways I have to contact them, the easier it is to move on and find a better relationship. Thoroughly expunge them from my life, so I’m left with only memories. I get over them more efficiently, and I never have to worry about having an awkward ‘what is this, and why do you still have it?’ conversation with a new partner.

    I don’t know why I would want to keep picking at the scab, by having things to remind me of them, or ways to reach out and talk to them during a moment of weakness. Seems like a counter-productive to move on, to me.

  13. I never delete numbers. None of my relationships have ended so badly that I would never speak to her again. I usually just delete their emojis. I have women in my contact list that I don’t really remember

  14. do you annoy me? yes, delete the info

    can i stand to be around you? no, delete the info

    if we break up instant delete info. i dont like having alot of contacts i have like 15 and dont add people im not talking to atleast weekly

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