I just started being active on social media (mainly Instagram) even though I’ve had accounts for a while but didn’t post (Facebook the longest, sort of new to Instagram).

I’ve started to branch out more in terms of meeting new people but I’m not too sure of when it’s “appropriate” to ask for someone’s Insta? Like I don’t want to be too forward asking for it after having met someone once or twice.

When do you start following someone/ask for someone’s instagram? Am I overthinking this too much?

Don’t know if it matters but I’m not in school/college where you naturally see the same people all the time, I’m in my late 20s and working, so really feeling it as an adult in terms of making friends.

  1. This is my story. I never had a social until last year and this was doing covid where I couldn’t physically see anyone. So once I started, I had some people follow me and then I had to follow some others. Most people said yes. Some people said no but overall it’s a social norm to follow someone social if you know them.

    I had someone follow me after a party literally a day later. I follow someone out of the blue who I hung out with 2 weeks before.

    Point I’m saying is just do it!

    Last thing I will say is that have the mindset that people want me to hang with them. Like you are the celebrity that they are dying that would follow them.

  2. My impression is that socials have like a hierarchy of publicness. I think Instagram, LinkedIn, and possibly Twitter are the most public; I’ve seen complete strangers exchange Instagram info at first conversation. Facebook is slightly more personal, something like Snapchat is probably a lot more. But it also depends on the individual.

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