Last April, I was given permission by my boyfriend to give seeing women a try. I instantly connected with someone who was also in a hetero relationship. We talked and sent each other things constantly and I would visit her at her apartment/city often. We grew really close. I enjoyed the time I spent with her a lot and exactly who she was.

As June came and I was finishing my degrees, I grew very busy and had less time to see her. This was hard and her boyfriend hated seeing how much she missed me (her words), and with all his insecurities led her to break it off with me. He was terribly insecure and I often questioned why she was with him when she deserved a lot more. But, I didn’t want to be the cause of pain and emotional abuse in their relationship so I agreed with her mindset.

She still wanted to be friends and we continued an online friendship for a few months, until she eventually decided it was too much work if we couldn’t be together in the way we were before. I wasn’t happy about it, but I understood. It was an amicable ending and we haven’t talked since.

Lately, I think about her a lot. I had a cute dream with her in it that reignited all my feelings for her. I wish I could talk to her again. Especially since right after grad (and after I stopped seeing her), I got a job way closer to her city.

Is there any right way to do it and touch base with her, or should I completely let the idea go? Would it be weird to let her know how I’ve been feeling and missing her? I know she mostly really liked me and it was her boyfriend pushing her away from me with his cruelness and emotional abuse. (He didn’t have a problem with her seeing women, just that I turned him down for a 3some and he felt threatened by me specifically).

1 comment
  1. Assuming that you know how to contact her, do so without any expectations. You may want to connect; she may not. Reach out with a ‘been thinking about you” type comment and then expect nothing.

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