How do you feel about being taller than your partner?

  1. I tease him about it all the time. I think he plays along but I can’t hear what he says from down there.

  2. The only time it’s ever been an issue in my relationships is if the partner was annoying and clearly insecure about it. I personally don’t care.

  3. It’s never happened, mainly because I’m 5’2″. I have had crushes on at least one man my own height. I don’t think I’ve ever had a crush on a shorter man, possibly because I don’t think I’ve ever really known any.

    In principle, I don’t care about how tall my partner is, objectively or in relation to me. I would care if they were weird and insecure about being shorter than me, but it would be the weirdness and insecurity I disliked, not the height.

  4. I’m 4″ taller than my husband. I don’t feel anything about it. It just is.

  5. I didn’t mind it at all. My ex was two inches shorter than me, and where I am from, most men are shorter than me. (I am only 5’7″, but when you grow up in the southwest, you feel like Glenda the Good Friggin’ Witch). HE minded it, though. Hated it. Said he didn’t care at first, but the longer we were together, the more he had an issue with it. And then berated me like it was my fault. My dude, it is not my fault that your parents A. are smaller than you and B. Didn’t feed their children proper nutrition and made y’all subsist on sandwiches thus stunting your growth. Shut up.

  6. I don’t care unless they make a deal out of it in which case I feel single. Get the fuck over yourself.

  7. i don’t care that’s not something that matters to me, i’ve been with a guy way smaller than me and we both didn’t care about it, the only moments he was insecure about it was when others people made joke or comment about it, but i tried to reassured him as i can and since it wasn’t an issue for us he was feeling better and everything was fine

  8. Don’t care with women and wouldn’t care with men either, but so many short men have been so incredibly weird about it in the past that I don’t really feel like dating them anymore.

  9. Neutral. I don’t care. I’ve had partners taller and shorter than me. At long as they don’t make it a problem, it’s not a problem.

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