I just got a really more interesting offer and they want me to work on monday. I need to tell the job I just started two days ago that I won’t be there next week. What would you do/say? I feel like it’s a disrespect for them and I don’t know how to handle it..

Real men, tell me brutally what should I do.

  1. “I’m very sorry, but I have to quit.”

    I’ve done this before. They were pissed, but life goes on.

  2. What you REALLY do is give them two week notice. If you are going to fuck them over anyways, just quit and don’t feel bad about it. To be clear thats probably what I would do

  3. Either burn the bridge and take the new one or tell the new one sorry but you found employment

  4. Just be honest and say that it’s not working out, or you got offered a better position/offer and see if they would match it.

  5. I mean its probably going to go to shit either way but if you want to at least try to not burn your bridges sit down and explain you’ve accepted another offer. Give them your end date and try and work with them regarding it.

    Odds are they’ll just tell you to go.

  6. That bridge is burned when you go. That’s it. Better to quit early. Be direct and honest. A better offer came in with x company for X pay. Either they’ll counter offer or let you go.

  7. Whatever you say they will be upset. Embrace it or pass on a much better proposal due to being afraid to upset people.

  8. I got a better offer. Sorry bro. You’ve worked there 2 days. They can’t depend on you that much yet. Not a big deal.

  9. “I’ve enjoyed getting to know you and the organization and have been offered another position that I believe is a better fit for me”

    It’s not uncommon for Employers to have this happen and hopefully they will realize that attracting the best and keeping the best means they have to be the best.

    If they get pissed off a good response is “the probationary period is not just for the benefit of the employer”.

  10. Find out what your notice is give them it and hope the new job can wait that out. Usually with new jobs you’re on a probation so it should be a get out easy thing.

  11. Reach down and realize you have a pair of balls, tell them you got a better offer. I’ve done it before and will be doing it again if my interview goes well tomorrow.

  12. You have been there two days so it’s not like the job is going on a resume or used as a reference, so quit how ever you want. Don’t show up, show up and tell them you quit and leave, show up tell them you are quitting but can finish out the week if they want, it’s up to you.

    There’s absolutely zero reason to care how the job is going to feel about it, they will easily find someone to replace you and would have no issue firing you two days in without notice so fuck em.

  13. Tell them you got a better offer and if they can’t match that, you’re out of options.

  14. Right a nice resignation letter, be honest. Say you have a better offer and you have to take it.

  15. don’t show up. who cares

    i’m a firm believer in “just going” in situations like this. i always thought 2 weeks is bs in my opinion. like this job doesn’t care about me at all and i’m expected to give them 2 weeks of my life because i’m supposed to care when they do? if they could lay me off without 2 weeks i can quit without two weeks.

    if it’s not going to effect you just go. nobody really cares. you can have a two week vacation until your new job starts

  16. “I’m sorry, but my situation has changed and I have to quit this job.”

    If they ask how your situation has changed, tell them you received a much more interesting job offer. If they don’t ask, don’t volunteer any information.

  17. Hey, I know I just started, but someone made me a better offer that I would be an idiot to refuse. Sorry, but I have to quit and pursue this.

  18. “This letter serves as my letter of resignation, effective immediately”

    or pretty much the same verbally

    99.999% chance that you will be asked to leave immediately

    Knowing this, why waste gas by showing up? Resign by phone

  19. Be honest, just tell them you got a better offer. You can pretty much assume with many companies today if business gets soft they have no qualms about firing people.

  20. Just say you’re sorry, a job you were waiting to hear back contacted you and its too good an opportunity to pass. It happens.

  21. Ask to work out the rest of your available time and if it would benefit them to let you do that or if it would be better if they save on the payroll expense by not paying the new guy the next two days. Then actually show up for the last 2 days if they want you to. Put the ball in their court

  22. Just hand in your notice. It’s just a job. Dude, who gives a shit about ‘respect’? You’re there for the money.

  23. It’s a business decision and believe me if the roles were reversed, they’d make the decision to fire you without batting an eyelash.

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